Thursday, March 20, 2008

He's a Biggin'

Today we had another ultrasound with Dr. Bayliss. I'm so glad we always get to see him when we go. Right now our little guy is breach, and he was laying on his right arm so they couldn't get an accurate measurement of it. The first technician said she couldn't tell the gender, and we said that's okay because we already know. But, Dr. Bayliss showed us again that this is definitely a boy. He also said our son weighs over 1 lb 9 oz and is in the very top of the 'normal' range for size for his age. What a difference to have a big kiddo! Although, at this stage simple ounces make all the difference.

Dr. Bayliss said everything looks 'correct' for what it should be now, too. He explained that they never use the term "normal" because you can't see everything on ultrasound, but he sees absolutely no reason for concern at this point. So far so good! Hooray! And, we have a follow-up scheduled for May 8 where he'll do one last check to make sure nothing came up in the final trimester. I love seeing our little boy in ultrasound, so we're excited. Now we really MUST pick a name...

Please continue to pray for the growth and development of our second son! Your prayers made all the difference in Joshua's life, and we want the same covering for Baby Good II. :)

The picture at the top left is our son in 3-D. The very top starts his forehead and the nose is pretty clear and the eyelid, sweet little cheeks and chin and then skinny little shoulder below that... The bottom picture is the typical ultrasound profile taken today.

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