Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I laughed out loud...

Last night Hillary Clinton was at Millersville University. As a faculty member, I was invited to go hear her speak. Did I go? Heck no! Why would I fight all that traffic (those roads can barely handle typical university congestion) to listen to someone that I would turn off if she came across my television? My twin friends' (Jess' & Jen's) cousin Josh Riker just happened upon her - from what I understand he's not a big fan of her either - and paused to snap a picture like they were old buddies. The best part? Look at the face of his daughter - she knows what's up! She's looking right at guess is she didn't care for her much either. Haaa!!! I saw this on their mom's website and I literally laughed out loud. Hope you enjoy it, too!

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