Tuesday, March 11, 2008

God's Little Boy is...Thrifty

"A penny saved is a penny earned,"
This is a fact that should be learned.
Saving your pennies helps with your needs
And gives you extra for many kind deeds.
Money that comes easily disappears quickly.
But money that is gathered little by little will slowly grow.
Proverbs 13:11

Dear God, we pray for Joshua's character, that he would be 'thrifty.' We ask that he would understand the value of people first, money second and things third. May he be generous with others but frugal, keeping to a budget and knowing when to save and not getting into debt. As we listen to Dave Ramsey, it impresses me how people who have much can give away much - let his good stewardship of money bless others. Allow him to save his money over time, working hard and being diligent about staying away from debt of any kind. Please help teach him your principles from the Bible and allow Shawn & me to be good role models. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN!

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