Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Baby Good @ Week 29

Fetal Development:
The baby's head is in proportion to the rest of the body. Fat continues to accumulate under the skin. The brain can control primitive breathing and body temperature control, and the eyes can move in the sockets. The baby is becoming sensitive to light, sound, taste and smell. Now, I wonder how experts know a baby can smell in utero? (YUCK!)

Maternal Changes:
Do you feel like you've been pregnant forever? Are those discomforts of pregnancy getting to you? This is the time when itchy skin, shortness of breath, hemorrhoids, leg cramps, heartburn and indigestion and achy muscles takes a toll. What do you do? Remember that these annoyances are temporary. Focus on the positive aspects of pregnancy.

Inspirational Thoughts:
"Children are the purpose of life. We were once children and someone took care of us. Now it is our turn to care." ~Cree elder

Please pray that we would pick a name for our next son soon, and that the name would be the one he is meant to have...

1 comment:

Julie said...

val....i just LOVE your site: the gorgeous pics of your precious little joshua. his clear eyes are AMAZING! i love the powerful prayers you declare over his life!

i am ALWAYS blessed when visiting your site. you honor God!

much love!