Saturday, December 15, 2012

To All My Online Readers...

My poor, poor, neglected blog. I can't seem to squeeze in time to keep it up-to-date lately. Yet, I have so many fun memories to write about! Since I am two months behind in keeping it updated (the farthest behind I've ever gotten), I've begun to feel overwhelmed at getting back to it. So, in the spirit of wanting to keep it up to date and never finding the time to get it all in chronological order, I've decided to start from today and write about current events and then mix in things from October and November when I find time. After posting them for a little while, I may go back and put them back in the correct order (but luckily I can do that when it's time to put it in book format for my kids). If you have been a faithful reader of this blog, my apologies for not staying current! I have been living in the moment with my kids and my hubby and too exhausted most nights to even think about writing. But, I do want to keep the blog going. So, keep checking back!

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