Saturday, December 15, 2012

Happy 17 Month Birthday, Ryan Josiah!

Ryan Josiah turned 17 months on November 7, 2012. Our little Schnook has grown significantly over this past month. The changes at this age are amazing to watch and easy to see. For example, Ryan knows many of his body parts. When we ask where his nose is, he typically points to our nose. But, when we ask where his lips are, he'll play with his lips. When we ask where his tongue is, he'll stick it out over and over again to show us. He'll point to his teeth, his knees, his hair, his head, his toes, his chin, his belly, etc.

Ryan is LOVING the "Baby's First 100 Words" book that my other boys enjoyed. He will point to most of the pictures correctly when we ask. He doesn't seem to comprehend colors yet, but he will point to the different vehicles, many of the animals, and a good portion of the other pictures like food, etc. I asked at the doctor's office recently if all this fluid on his ear drums would affect his hearing and speech, and she said absolutely. When I ask him to point to the goat, he will often point to the boat. I tried to enunciate and correct it, but I think he's only hearing certain things. His speech while improving significantly also seems a little bit garbled, and I'm wondering if that relates to his hearing.

He will tell us that a cow goes "moo" and that a dog says "woof, woof!" He says a kitty cat "meows" and he loves to growl like a bear. He also says "dino" and "roar" and will say a lion roars as well. But, while he can point to the ducks, he doesn't ever quack like one.

He's saying more words all the time beyond his favorite "cuuuupp." He says something that sounds like "Josh." He will ask for a "bite" and my favorite thing he'll say especially at meal time is "NO MORE!" He begs for us to read to him and will say "Book! I sit!" He loves the "Hippos Go Berserk," "I Love My Mommy," "I Am a Puppy," "Kiss Goodnight," "Peekaboo Zoo" books and many others  we have. He definitely has his favorites, though!

With his communication, I can tell he's a little frustrated like us (how many times have I told him that I don't understand what he's saying when he rattles off a string of words that sound like garble?). Unfortunately, he's even starting to bang his head like his big brother did. YIKES!!! It drives me crazy, but I'm trying not to overreact and instead help work on his communication skills. Books and things will definitely help him.

Ryan still sleeps like a champ, being my first boy to bed and last one to rise. He still loves to suck his thumb, but only his right thumb while his left hand strokes his wild hair. The right thumb is all blistered and nasty from being sucked on so much, but he refuses to give it up or exchange it for the other one.

Speaking of hair, I know we need to give him his first hair cut, BUT with him being my last one, I'm treasuring this wild fluffy stuff for a little while longer. :)

Ryan is a fun addition to our family. I'm so glad God blessed us with him. Joshua has taken to calling him "the Golden Baby" and both boys tell us and Ryan how much they love him, how sweet they think he is, how he never says unkind words, and how nice a kid they think our baby is. I love it! I love that the boys treasure each other at each stage they are in. Ryan is getting more fun to play with, and the boys are taking advantage of it. Joshua will read to him, and Caleb will point to pictures or ask him to point to some as he describes them.

We are thankful for a littlest man! Happy 17-month birthday, Ryan!

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