Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy 18-month milestone birthday, Ryan Josiah!

Ryan Josiah Good turned 18-months on Friday, December 7. That morning, I took him to get his pictures taken to capture the memory of exactly what he looked like on the exact day. He did a good job, I think, and these first three photos were my favorites of him from that sitting.

At his 18-month well-child check-up on December 13, Ryan stats were:
Weight: 24 lbs (23.94%)
Height: 32.5" (55.91%)
BMI: 15.97 kg/m2
Head circumference: 18.11 (8.63%)

Dr. Krak noted that Ryan's soft spot on his head has closed. He also said that his head is growing at a normal curve rate for him, so that's all they care about. He also said there is fluid in Ryan's right ear still. UGH! Please pray for these ears of his!!!
They screened him for Autism, asking questions about whether he points to things, enjoys playing with other children, responds to his name, etc. and he passed with no concerns. The doctor also asked how many words we would guess he knows. I thought about all the animals he can say and all the sounds they make, all the names he knows, etc. and guessed that he knows at least 50. He will point to the words in the Baby's First 100 Words and typically can say what they are besides pointing to them when we ask him where something is. The doctor said he was "advanced" then, which made me smile since I was concerned that he was behind. Caleb was talking up a storm by this age, and Ryan does say a few sentences (my favorite lately being "Peek-a-boo, I see you!" which sounds more like "P-BO, see you!" Love, love, love!!!) but not as many. I know you shouldn't compare, but I wasn't sure what was "normal." The doctor said he's normal to above average. We'll take it! Praise God!
Ryan started saying "Ca-gub" just before Thanksgiving for his brother Caleb. He also says "DOSH!" for Joshua. I love to hear him say his brothers' names! He will often give Joshua a big hug in the morning and play the game where he tries to knock him over (so they can have a big bear hug!), but he's also genuinely amused by Caleb and LOVES any attention he gets from him. He grins from ear-to-ear when seeing him walk in the room. He's also completely in love with his Daddy. :) :) :)
Ryan has become more of a picky eater lately, and the doctor said that's normal. We do need to try to get him to intake more calcium, though. Pray for him, if you think of it, in this area!
My littlest man does well when I drop him off at the gym, at Bible study or at church. I love that I can blow him kisses, and he can blow them back. He realizes, I think, that I'm coming back for him and there are no parting tears. He's SO excited when I pick him up, which always brings a smile to my face.
I can't remember if we posted this before, but Shawn taught Ryan had to go down the stairs backwards, so we don't worry about him near the stairs anymore. It has been wonderful! Ryan walks, runs, climbs and even is careful to come down backwards from different areas. He is very mobile and loves to explore!
My little man gets into everything these days out of curiosity. While exploration is great for his brain stimulation, it can drive me crazy at times! On vacation, he climbed into (literally) every cupboard he could reach; and he loves to pick things up, examine them and put them in his mouth. I know he learns through his senses, but he definitely keeps this mama on her toes!
There are times I feel bad for Ryan having to go along constantly to take his brothers to school or practice or other activities, but then I think about the fact that he gets to grow up with older siblings, and I know it works out!
Ryan loves french toast sticks, plain noodles, yogurt (some days), cereal, chicken nuggets, burger, cooked carrots, bread, crackers (especially peanut butter crackers) and watermelon. He'll eat other things, but these are things that we can typically get him to eat without much issue.
Ryan has the best giggle. When I rock him at night and we read his favorite books ("COUGH!" he'll say, which means he wants to read "Don't You Feel Well, Sam?" or "P-BO Zoo" for "Peekaboo Zoo" or "PUPPIES" for the "I Am a Puppy" book or "MOMMY!" for "I Love My Mommy!" or "ME!" for the "God Knows All About Me" book), I'll hold him afterward and make him giggle just to listen to it. His face lights up with joy as he gives me a belly laugh at whatever game where' playing. We sing the same song "Born to Worship" and we say prayers before he tells me "Night-night!" and I lay him down. He sucks his thumb still as he goes to sleep.
As I mentioned before, Ryan knows almost every word in his favorite "Baby's First 100 Words" book. He loves to look at the pictures and point to things with us. He brings this big book to us ALL the time! He knows all his body parts (or at least a vast majority, including his new "eyebrows") and most animals and the sounds they make. I love to hear him "ribbit" like a frog, "meow" like a cat, and "grrr" like a bear. They are my favorites! Daddy loves when he makes a HUGE wide open faced roar at the dinosaurs he loves to play with. His favorite is Joshua's triceratops that makes lots of noise and walks on its own.
Ryan sleeps well at night. He typically lays right down at 8 pm and doesn't wake up until at least 7 am. He also takes a solid afternoon nap, and sometimes needs a brief morning nap, too.
My little man has a majority of his teeth, including some new eye teeth that popped in recently. He also got his first hair cut on Thursday, December 13. Pictures to come!
Happy 18-month birthday, Ryan Josiah! You add so much joy and life to our family! We love you!!!

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