Monday, August 27, 2012

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

On Friday, August 24, Shawn took the older boys to watch the Lancaster Barnstormers baseball team with Chris and Isabella. We had the boys free tickets from the summer reading program, and originally I thought both families would go. But, I remembered how crazy the Barnstormers games were when the entire county had their free summer reading tickets, and I thought it might not be the best environment for Ryan. When Lisa said she wasn't going to take Aiden, I thought it might be nice to let the guys go with the older kids and enjoy the game. I was disappointed I didn't get to go, but I'm sure I'll get to see the boys enjoy a game next year. And I'm not sure that they watched any of the game. The tickets were lawn seats (meaning not an actual seat) and the kids mostly just played at the playground. I let them wear their angry bird shirts that they had been begging to wear, realizing that since they were t-shirts, they'd only get so much use out of them anyway.

I also dug out their baseball hats and I begged Shawn to take pictures at the game. Do you think he did? Nope, not one! This is the only picture I got of them in their shirts and hats.

Shawn said that he'd lose Caleb for a few seconds (as all the kids were running around like mad on the playground equipment) and then find him up high hanging dangerously from a piece of equipment. He definitely marches to the beat of his own drum!

In the meantime, I invited Lisa & Aiden to come over and enjoy some time at our house. We ended up going for a long walk (the route I typically jog) and chatting. I enjoyed her company. She left not long before Shawn called to say that Caleb was done playing and EXHAUSTED - they were on their way home. They were COVERED in filth when they got home, so they hit the bath tub before heading to bed.

So it was ONE, TWO, THREE strikes they're out at the old ball game!

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