Saturday, August 25, 2012

Joshua's Free Back-to-School Haircut

I found out from a couple different sources that JCPenny's was giving kids free haircuts during the month of August for back-to-school children ages K-12. As soon as I heard about it, I drove there (to pick up pictures) and went inside to book our appointment toward the end of the month for Joshua (since Caleb wasn't old enough yet). We got to pick our date and time. I heard that they weren't taking any more appointments for kids that month since they had filled up relatively quickly, so I was glad I scheduled mine when I did. Joshua needed a haircut a couple weeks before that, but I knew his was coming! Here's a picture of his before front:
When we got there, the hairdresser I was scheduled with hadn't shown up yet and called to say she was "running late." UGH! I knew it was free, but I was trying to keep to our schedule since Mom had the other boys. Mamaw had bought Joshua an "Angry Birds" shirt for school, and Caleb said he'd really like one too. Since they were inexpensive, I agreed to pick up one for Caleb while we were there since he didn't really need any clothes and didn't really get anything new for going to preschool. We found one for $4. Yeah! But Joshua begged and begged for a Mario shirt he found. I gave in, figuring I hadn't bought him much for going back to school. Shawn scolded me for spending money we didn't need to, especially since Joshua's shirt cost $15 (with a toy) and then Caleb felt bad he didn't get one of those too. I guess we can't win! But, I had to kill time because our hairdresser still hadn't shown up yet. Here's the back of Joshua's hair, pre-haircut.
Finally, she was there and ready for him! I asked if she minded if I took pictures and she said she didn't.
She spiked his hair in the front when he was done, and he did a good job staying still. I tipped her and she gave him a lollipop before we left.
I thought he looked so cute when we left, but when we got home, we realized how uneven and crooked it was. I think we got what we paid for (or less!). You can see in the picture below of the "back" of his head that the right side was much lower than the left at the bottom).

The top was terribly uneven and far too long, too, which we didn't recognize with it spiked. Unfortunately, Joshua had to sit for a second haircut that weekend so Daddy could fix it (as best he could) before school. Such is life! At least a majority of the long hair was left there to clean up, but I think typically Shawn does a better job than this gal did. He cut Caleb's hair the weekend before Joshua's so they were both ready to go back-to-school!
In thinking of how bad the hairdresser did on his hair, it reminded me of Jordon bursting out at dinner the one night "Yeah, Shawn and your five dollar hair!" We had no idea where it came from, and we CRACKED UP!!!! Yes, this was $5 hair all right. Haaa!!!

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