Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy 70-month birthday, Joshua!

Joshua turned 70 months old on Wednesday, July 18. The biggest thing that comes to mind on this birthday is his questioning reality. His imagination combined with media like TV and video games that can seem so real will make him often ask "is this real?" And we'll tell him yes or no. As we read a book about Courdoroy the teddy bear, he asked me "Mom, is the teddy bear real?" No, I'd tell him, bears can't talk or think like Courdoroy. He asked of the Lorax was real (which is a cute family movie by Dr. Zeuss). Again, I said no. Then he'll ask if Bible stories are real. Yes, they really happened. We go through this pretty often - are Mario and Louigi real? Nope! Are butterflies real? Yes. It's an interesting phase.
We love to watch Joshua play these days. His imagination is wonderful and we love to see what he comes up with. The interaction between his action figures is hysterical!!! He still keeps his precious things in his bag, and we change them out from time to time. We just cleaned out the office and gave some toys away. This created a new bin for dinosaurs only, so they don't have to go in his bag. His brothers also love the dinosaurs so it was a good solution.

Joshua is reading really well these days. Even new books that I know he doesn't "know" the words to. I'm surprised at how many sight words he knows from the flash cards Aunt Jen gave him. Other words he sounds out. He still needs help, and he doesn't always raise his voice with a question mark or end the sentence with the period. But, he's getting many of the words, and I think that's great! We love to hear him read!
We found out that Joshua will have Mrs. Vogt for morning kindergarten this year. He is really excited! His friend Nathan will be in his class, which I may have already posted. We said we'll have to do some shopping for school soon, but I know how hard it is to wait for school then. So, I thought we'd go a little closer to the time. Mamaw & Papaw sent him a little card to get him excited as well - thank you!!!

Joshua is trying more of a variety of foods these days, which is encouraging to me. He won't always eat everything, but he'll try new things, which is what matters to us most. We don't make him clean his plate, but we want him to at least taste things before he turns his nose up at them. The other night he took seconds and thirds of a casserole I made, and he kept asking for more green beans as well. He surprises us on occasion with what he likes!

Joshua is very sweet to his brothers and loves to be around friends and different people. He'll often ask about others we haven't seen in awhile. When can they come play, he'll ask. :)

I love my oldest boy and am so happy to get to spend time with him! Happy 70-month birthday, Joshua!

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