Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Recently in my Mothers Bible, I saw a little devotional that discussed the fact that the root word of hospitality is hospital. Both bring healing to a person. The author talked about how people may seem different than us, but everyone needs friends and a warm invitation (stemming from the passage where Jesus said "I was a stranger, and you invited me in" from Matthew 25:35). We talked in my Bible study recently about how we need to humble ourselves and be willing to share our house in its current condition (whether or not it's perfectly renovated, perfectly clean or perfectly done) and whatever food we know how to make (it can even be simple like sandwiches and cereal!) as we love on others and connect with friends.

So, I've tried to relax about having everything perfectly clean just for the purpose of having people over. I like to have a clean house, truly, so I do spend time putting things away after we're done playing with them. But, if I don't get to scrub every last corner before someone comes over, I'm trying to let that be okay. We had our friends Julie, Jude & Kate over and I didn't bother to sweep or mop before they came because I ran out of time. And I didn't make our beds either. I figured that it was what it was. And, she still accused me of having a perfectly clean house. So, I realize that it's all perception. We had a fun morning with them.
That weekend, Mamaw & Papaw arrived from Florida. They came over Saturday night, and we met them Sunday at Red Robin for lunch when their friends got sick and their plans changed. Then the boys & Shawn met the entire fam for dinner while I was at school on Monday night. We saw them again on Wednesday night when we went to the Lyndon diner after my hair appointment. They also came back to the house to play for a little before bed. Thursday, the entire family got together again to celebrate Carol's "speed limit" birthday and Jenavieve was also turning four that weekend. We asked a table next to us to snap a picture quickly before we left, and this is how it turned out.
Jenavieve blew out the candles on the cake, and it sprayed Mamaw who was sitting right across from her. I was trying to get a picture of them with the cake, but I think the one I got below was so much funnier! Haaa!!!
The boys are always excited to see Mamaw & Papaw from Florida, and we're thankful for the time they spend with us while they're here. They gave the boys little Valentine's and some new Cars Pez dispensers. Caleb LOVES Pez! Thanks!!!
We saw them Friday night before they headed back home early Saturday morning to celebrate Mamaw's birthday on Sunday. I had been hoping to get a picture of them with all three boys together and somehow missed it. Here's one with Ryan & Joshua but no Caleb Luke, who had been a fiesty little buddy that whole week. He & Grandpa Georgia pick and tease each other so much that I don't think he understands that it's not appropriate in all circumstances.
It was a busy first week of February! :) But, it was a nice way to start out our love month.

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