Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Day Party

One thing about me is I tend to worry too much. And what does it accomplish? NOTHING! Joshua's preschool teacher was having a Valentine's party and invited the parents to come in and watch a short program, hear their Bible memory work, complete crafts together, and enjoy snacks. She noted that they'd prefer not to have younger siblings but a parent or caregiver must come (or a substitute - neighbor, friend, etc) to help the child. I looked and looked for a babysitter. My mom had a haircut, my dad was going to breakfast with his (girlfriend? I don't know what to call her...), my sister was watching the neighbor kid, Shawn was in meetings with important engineers that morning. I kept turning up with nothing.
Normally on Tuesday mornings I'm in Bible study at Calvary, so I emailed the woman in charge and asked her if I could leave the boys in their classrooms. Then I emailed Joshua's teacher and explained that I may have to have my other kids in with me if she wanted me to be there. She said to come, even if I had to have the other boys with me. Finally, the day before the party I got an email from the woman in charge saying to leave the kids in their rooms and they'd be fine. How wonderful!
Then I worried what would happen if Ryan would need me. So, I prayed. I asked the women at my table to come get me if they came looking for me. I asked another mom to stay with Joshua if I'd need to leave to go get the baby. I spoke with the Bean's teacher and explained that I may have to leave if the other kids needed me. And you know what? God answered all my prayers.

I helped Joshua put all his valentines in the appropriate bags. Then I dropped Caleb off at his room. He had been sick the week before, so I prayed earnestly that he'd be feeling better. And he was! Then I dropped Ryan off at his room. I told all the teachers where I'd be when, and I even left my cell number that they could call or text. My new phone seems to work there, even in the basement. Then I reminded the girls at my table where I'd be.
I enjoyed the first half of Study & Share. The worship was good - I didn't know the first song (a hymn) or the second song (a new one that I downloaded later to listen to more) but the third song was one of my absolute favorites from when I was young that we sang at my old church. It was a gift to hear it again and praise God singing it! "Forever You will be...the lamb upon the throne! I gladly bow my knee, and worship You alone!" I heard the first part of the teaching and left to go to the kiddo classroom with another gal from my table, whose daughter has a crush on Joshua and Joshua seems to like back. :) :) :)

We got there and got great seats for the show. I took little videos of the kids performing their verses and finger plays. Then the children came up and gave us the gifts they had worked on for us. It was their handprints in a heart and said "You've captured my heart."

Afterward, we sat together and made two crafts. One was a heart-shaped ornament out of beads and pipe cleaners that Joshua wanted to give Daddy. The other was a little butterfly with a pencil in the center.
When we were finished, we ate some snacks together that parents had brought in (fruit, heart-shaped cookies, cheese & crackers, etc - we had taken in juice) and then we looked at the time. It was the PERFECT time to leave.
We went and picked up Ryan in the nursery right as other moms were starting to come pick up their kids. Ryan was cuddled up in the arms of a caregiver napping away. :) :)
 We picked up Caleb right on time as well. Both boys had done really well that morning! Caleb even had a craft for me that he had made. It was a sweet morning!

Thank You, God, for answering my prayers! While my worry did NOTHING, God was gracious and gave us a sweet morning. I LOVE spending time with my kids!!! It was a great program at preschool and a great start to our Valentine's Day!

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