Saturday, February 25, 2012


The other day, even though it was warm outside, Joshua chose a heavy sweater to wear to school. It was reptile week, and his preschool class was going to the gym to see the Jesse Rothecker (sp?) reptile show which Calvary does every year. (Caleb got to go see it the day before - both boys LOVED it, as usual).

Anyway, because I know how miserable it is to be too hot in situations like this, I told the Bean to put on a t-shirt under his sweater. He took one look at the shirt and got VERY excited. "Hey, this shirt has a pocket on it!" (Yes, indeed, it was a pocket t-shirt). He said over and over again how much he loved his pocket shirt. "Guess what, Mommy, if something falls, I can pick it up and put it in my pocket." "I love my pocket shirt." He went on and on about the pocket in his t-shirt. It was just a small pocket, but it made his day.

I giggled most of the day thinking about his sweet, happy little face telling me how much he was loving the pocket in his t-shirt. He has such a dear heart! :)

1 comment:

Jen said...

Did you put a note for him to discover in his pocket?