Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy 8-month, Ryan Josiah!

Ryan turned eight months old on Tuesday, February 7. He is growing big and strong!

On 2/2 he had two new teeth come in. One is his top right front tooth (on my left as I look at him) and rather than it being the adjacent front, the one next to it further right came down with it. His left ones are starting to show through his gums, but they haven't pushed through them yet. Poor little guy!

Ryan has had a miserable cold. I think he got over one just in time to catch another. This one is worse than the first, though, and I'm constantly suctioning his nose so he can breath to eat. He's also coughing and spitting up phlegm. Poor lil' man! The other night he was up a lot throughout the night just screaming away, which is so unlike him. I rocked him and as long as I was holding him, he was okay. I felt so bad for him. Thankfully we haven't had any other nights like that.
In general, though, Ryan is really easygoing. Shawn says how blessed we are that he is a really good baby. I would agree. There are days that I feel bad because I'm constantly putting him in the car seat to take his brothers to school and pick them up, then I'm putting him in his pack 'n play to play while I make lunch or dinner. I don't have as much time to spend just one-on-one with him. But, he seems okay with life most days. Even at restaurants we've been at recently, he sits and is generally good.
When Ryan was first born, I have to admit that I was a little put out by having to nurse round the clock. I felt bad for the other boys that my arms were never available for them as I was constantly holding or feeding my newborn. I truly struggled to maintain balance. But, now as Ryan is getting older, I find that I'm loving the fact that I have to nurse him four times a day. In the morning, at lunch time, just before dinner with the family and at night, I MUST take time to stop what I'm doing, put my feet up and cuddle with my baby. It's not selfishness on my part; it's actually for his well-being. These days, I've been laying down with him while he eats. So, for a solid ten minutes, I get to rest and cuddle while my baby gets nourished. I never understood women who said they enjoyed breastfeeding. For the longest time I hated it, honestly. But, I'm enjoying the intimate times I spend with just my baby and me. We get to sneak off somewhere, and I can pay attention to just him. No doing laundry, no cleaning, no cooking, just relaxing together and paying attention to his needs. Four times a day I must stop playing with the other kids, getting myself ready, and quit the busy pace of life to make sure my baby gets what he needs to grow strong. And, I am loving it. There are mornings I feel in a rush, there are evenings that I'm thinking about dinner, there are lunches where I'm missing eating myself because I need to feed him. But, it's all worth it. I'll miss it when it's gone, I know. At some point he won't need me anymore, and I won't be able to stop my hurried pace just to soak in his presence. This time is a gift from God.
I love that Ryan is growing. I love that he can do new things and is becoming his own little unique person. But, I know I shall miss this baby stage when it's gone. Since he's my last one, it makes me a little sad. I love the baby smiles. I love the chubby legs and toe jam. I love each and every finger and roll. I love the toothless grin and even the baby food that sometimes makes it into his hair. I am so thankful to be able to experience each moment with my kids. I am grateful for a husband who works hard to make that happen.
Ryan is doing so many new things each and every moment! He is getting into the crawling position now, and he rocks back and forth. He's also getting up onto his knees. He grabs EVERYTHING! The other day he picked up a piece of fuzz off the carpet and tried to put it in his mouth. He keeps me moving! He loves to explore. Shawn said he thinks he'll be crawling within the month. We'll see by the next post!
There is such a sweetness about Ryan. His little innocent smile. He's laughter at his brothers. His cuddling with his mama and dadda. :) He is truly special to us. Happy 8-month birthday, my little love!

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