Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Week of Spring Break

Joshua had preschool on Monday and it was his special snack day. We did crackers & cheese, which the teacher's aide said the kids loved. This week was my spring break - no school for me! Hurray! Unfortunately, Shawn came home from work that day feeling under-the-weather. He was burning up. :( :( :( Thankfully it was gone by the next morning.
On Tuesday, Grandma Good came over for dinner and Shawn got her hooked up with more iPod songs. Joshua drew her a picture while she was here. I asked him if he wanted to color and gave him a coloring book and he said he'd rather draw her a picture. At first he said it was going to be a picture of her, and he got out the brown crayon I'm assuming to draw her hair. Then I said that he could use the book for support rather than having the paper on the carpet, which he didn't like. When he gave Grandma Good the picture, she asked him to tell her what it was. She said, "What's this brown?" and he answered "Carpet." "And the green?" "Carpet. And this is blue carpet." We all laughed. She took her picture of 'carpet' home with her. We enjoyed our time with her. It's always good to see her. The boys gave her hugs before she left.
Wednesday was another preschool for the Bean day. That afternoon, Mom watched the boys so I could go see about my gall bladder pain. Ever since I've had it out, when I run, I have extreme pain in my side. The surgeon came in almost an hour late for our appointment and said he didn't have an explanation. Everything is healed on the outside, and he pressed on my abdomen and didn't feel any hernias or blood clots or anything out of the ordinary. He was about to leave when I insisted on something more than a quick push on my stomach, explaining that it is BAD pain, not just a little pulling but I felt like I was being stabbed. He said the only thing that might show anything is a CT scan, but that's radiation and can cause cancer. I told him that I'm too young to not be able to run when I enjoy it, and I'd take my chances with the test. So, they scheduled the appointment for Thursday morning at 8 am.
I had to wake up by 5:30 am to start drinking the contrast by 6, which was nauseating. But, I got it all down and they did the test and the gal said I should hear something by the following day. But, I didn't and I forgot to call. I'm supposed to go back in next Friday morning. UGH! Why can't they just call with whatever the news is? I think I'll try giving them a call on Monday if I still don't hear anything.

Thursday we spent most of the day outside. It was beautiful. I was so sick from that stuff I drank in the morning that thankfully the boys were willing to take an early nap, and I did, too. It ended up being a crappy morning, if you know what I'm saying! :) When they woke up, I fed them a later-than-normal lunch and we headed outside for a walk. We went for a long walk around the neighborhood and then came back to the house and played in the garage/driveway. The boys played with sidewalk chalk, rode their bikes (well, sort of... Joshua got scared at trying to make a turn and Caleb is just starting to learn how to pedal), pushed the shopping cart, drove around in their little cars and played with various balls, brooms and shovels. We had fun! I finally was starting to get chilly as we came in, and it was soon time for Daddy to come home. I needed to get ready - Thursday night was girls night out. :) I met Becca, Lisa, Melanie & Angie (in order of their arrival) at Tobias Frog; and we had a blast. Becca & I got their first and chatted until Lisa arrived, and the three of us ordered an appetizer and enjoyed catching up. Those girls are so funny! I laughed most of the night. I love how they can be serious and comical; and we all have so much in common. I told Shawn how I appreciate how sharp they are and so down to earth. Eventually Melanie & Angie arrived together - Mel had to wait until her hubby got out of work until she could come. We had a lot of fun, and the food was delicious. I also had five glasses of unsweetened iced tea (they told me to drink lots that morning at the doctor's to get rid of that contrast stuff - no problem!). I highly enjoyed being out with the girls, and I was home in time to help tuck the boys in bed.
Friday morning I took the boys to the Calvary Preschool open gym. I LOVE when they can get out and RUN! Unfortunately that morning it was rainy and cold, so when I saw the weather outside, I knew if they were going to get any exercise, it would have to be indoors at the gym. We had a great time! Another mom was there with a little boy named Joshua, and she was telling me all about the adoption process of getting him. It was fascinating to me since I'd really like to have a third. We keep going back and forth between having our own or adopting. Shawn has a heart to adopt, noting how many kids are out there who need love and good homes. While I agree, I think having our own is more practical, especially financially since adoption costs so much. And, we are happy with the two boys we have so maybe we'll decide to cap our family at four (two parents, two kids). I keep praying that God would give us direction either way. :) The boys had a great time playing that morning, and they especially enjoyed one another's company. I love my babies!

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