Thursday, March 18, 2010

MOPS, Music & Motion

This week was Joshua's 'spring break' so he didn't have preschool, even though I had class. The weather has been beautiful, though, so we've been able to spend time outside, which is great!
On Tuesday, I was supposed to meet a friend for a play date and lunch; but she rescheduled for next week. So, I decided to go to MOPS since Matt Goss & his wife Kim were the special speakers. Matt Goss is the worship leader at LCBC Manheim and also head of the "Matt Goss Band," of course, which President Bush requested to play for his rallying back in the day. The couple shared on how they met, their interest in music and leading worship, and about how they lost their fourth(?) baby late in the pregnancy and how devastating that was. They were interesting to listen to, and I was glad I was able to see them speak.

On Tuesday, we celebrated Saint Patrick's Day. Shawn's cousin Don's wife Jess invited us to come to their music & motion class that morning. I took her my p90x DVDs to copy, and she gave me a couple workout DVDs that she had to try. We got to their house right around 9 am and Joshua was excited to play with Ben. However, he woke up really grumpy. I love my oldest son, but he has my personality - extreme highs and extreme lows. This was not one of his shining days.

I had dressed the boys in green, and I also put on a green sweater - I couldn't find anything emerald green for any of us, but oh well! It's the thought that counts. Joshua didn't want to leave Ben's house to go to the class. We finally convinced him that we were going and headed out. The time started with an open gym where the boys could run. I was surprised with how many toys they had and also how many parents and kids. There was a lot of people there! A few nice folks introduced themselves, and I got to meet Ben's little girlfriend, who was pretty impressive for her age.

The boys played on scooters, cars, a little train, balls, etc. They also rolled on a mat, crawled through a tube and enjoyed running. Soon enough it was time to clean up, and Joshua wasn't sure he was ready to put the toys away (well, truly, Caleb wasn't either, but he's just less vocal about it). Then parents took out snacks for their kids... only I hadn't brought anything for the boys since I didn't really know that was part of the activities. Jess didn't either since she was more interested in Ben singing and participating with the music. I would agree that the snacks could be a distraction. Unfortunately, they were a major distraction for Joshua who really wanted something that I didn't have for him.

He was noticeably grumpy the rest of our time there, which is really a bummer since I think normally he would have LOVED the music. We knew some of the songs and didn't know others. But, many of these little preschoolers knew the words and the motions by heart. There was a gal that lead on the guitar and another one that did the motions while singing and 99% of the children were participating (just not my kids... although this type of scene was new to them). I was disappointed with the Bean's behavior. Mama said there'd be days like this!

We talked about him behaving better if he wanted to go back to Ben's house, which he enthusiastically said he wanted to. We played for a little while upstairs on their deck and then moved downstairs to their amazing finished basement that Don did himself. They had a little Cars table with re-usable stickers and he was in heaven... but, he didn't want to share this treasure with anyone, including Ben who was sharing his toys with the boys. We eventually left, and I was embarrassed by how the morning had went. Kids always have their moments, but this morning seemed particularly bad.

Both boys slept from the moment we got into the car until we got home. Then I fed them lunch and put them to bed. Unfortunately, I had to wake them from their naps to head to Grandma's house. She kept the boys there for me since I had school that afternoon and she had plans that evening. She was all dressed and ready to go until I got back from MU. Thanks, Mom! My students were all in their festive green, and five or so didn't show up, which is higher than average. Between the nicer weather and the fun holiday, I'm sure the numbers in most classes were down.

Here's little Ben at the class:
Daddy got home before us, and when we arrived we decided to treat the boys to Shamrock shakes to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. We ate outside and let the boys play on the playground. Joshua took one sip of this mint milkshake and decided it wasn't for him. I feel the same way. The thought of them is always better than the taste. I think green food coloring is better than mint in ice cream. Caleb was a little too small for the playground, but a little 4-year-old girl kept helping him climb. Then he would slide down. We eventually left when it got chilly out.

Last night, we kept hearing chirping. We knew one of our smoke detectors had a low battery, but in the middle of the night we couldn't figure out which one it was. So, I woke up this morning with more than 10 smoke detectors disconnected from their appropriate places and laying in our bedroom, along with a ladder in our living room. Neither of us slept much overnight. UGH! I would say this particular St. Patty's Day was not 'lucky' for us!

Oh well, it's still 'fun' to be Irish and wear green!

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