Sunday, March 14, 2010

Big Boy Bed?

My days are all running together. I hate when I get behind on blogging. One night last week, and I think it may have been Thursday night, Caleb went right into Joshua's room when we said "time for bed." He climbed right up in his brother's bed and giggled. Shawn & I snuggled with him in there like we normally do with the Bean (Joshua was finishing watching Elmo at the time) and then we ran for the camera. I realized as I was looking back at old blog posts that Caleb is officially at the age when we moved the Bean over to his big boy bed. In fact, in June 2008, we have a picture of Joshua in these same PJ's in his room! YIKES! I can't imagine moving Caleb yet, but I think he wants to be in a big boy bed like his brother.
Joshua heard us giggling and went to join his brother. They laughed and laughed at being in bed together. Caleb kept saying "JOSH!" and Joshua would crack up! The pictures are fuzzy because we turned off the lights and acted like we were leaving them alone to go to sleep. Then we decided to go back in in the pitch black and snap a few shots. While the flash shows what we were looking at, it didn't allow the camera to focus. We thought they looked adorable!
But, we knew there would be no actual sleeping if we left them in there together. They were having WAY too much fun for how late it was.
Eventually we took Caleb to his crib and tucked the Bean into his bed. How big my boys are! I can't believe that they're almost two and almost four. Where does time go?
But, I'm thankful for each and every memory we're making... they are silly buddies!

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