Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our sons shine in the sunshine!

Last week we were blessed with 70+ degree weather and sunshine. It was exactly what we needed after such a long winter! Friday morning, I decided to take the boys to Stoner Park. We packed the diaper bag of 'in case' supplies and headed out in the stroller. The boys enjoyed the walk almost as much as the park - they loved when we were walking on the bridge over 222 and they could see all the big trucks.
When we got there, they both took off to play on the playground equipment. In the meantime, I met the nanny of my old orthodontist (well, the daughter of my old orthodontist who is now practicing the same thing). It was interesting to hear this older woman tell me of how she cared for their children. While I think some days it would be nice to have a nanny, I feel particularly blessed to be able to stay home and raise my own children. This was one of those days. The boys were both very well behaved and we had a great time playing out in the sun.
Joshua had to go potty while we were there, which he was good to tell me (he wears big boy undies except when we're going on a longer trip or to bed); so, I got to experience the park bathrooms for the first time. I was amazed that there was a trash can in there and real paper towels. This park is a 'carry-in, carry-out' your own trash, so I assumed there would be the useless hand dryers but not so. The bathroom for being a park bathroom wasn't all that bad, I must admit. As we were leaving, both boys took off running back to the play equipment. I no more than got done saying "please walk" when Caleb tripped and fell, missing his hands completely and landing right on his face. The skin on his cheek was scraped off and he had a big goose egg on his forehead. I felt so bad! I saw this awkward fall, and I scooped him up in my arms, asking him where it hurt so I could kiss it. He said "cheek" and I saw the blood. Poor little guy! But, he wanted down to play, so I guess he was okay. I still felt terrible that he fell.
That night, Miranda our babysitter came right at 5:30 and Shawn & I were soon off to the Horse Inn in the city to meet up with two couples from our life group for dinner. It was a really expensive evening out, but something we wouldn't do all the time.
Saturday morning I got my hair done and went for a jog afterward, but I was still all but crippled by the pain in my side and barely crawled home. I was more than disappointed since my CT scan showed nothing majorly wrong. I continued to pray for healing. We spent some more time playing outside with the boys - Shawn played with them in the garage while I mopped our floors and then I took them to the playground behind our house (at the school) while Shawn grilled us dinner. Yes, grilled! We had burgers and fries for dinner that evening made by my hubby. It was delicious and definitely felt like summer. After supper, the boys & I stopped in for a few minutes at Grandpa Georgia's place at his invitation, and Shawn stayed home and took out the trash & vacuumed. (He enjoys some alone time now and then.) When we got home, we gave the boys baths and it was soon time for night-night.
Speaking of 'night-night', both boys love the big sing-along Thomas "Railway Rhythms" that Santa got one of them for Christmas (can't remember who's gift it was now, isn't that terrible?). They both love to push the buttons, and I sing along to the songs based on the words in the book. Caleb has started singing along to the last one "night-night, Momas (how he says 'Thomas'), night-night Momas, see you morn." It's absolutely adorable to listen to!
With all the play time outside, Joshua started having a bit of a runny nose, so we decided to stay home from church Sunday morning. I was a little bummed, but it was really too early to tell if it was spring-time allergies or a cold starting to form. And, we never want to get other kiddos sick. I emailed and warned our life group friends, too, but most of the couples still came that afternoon to attend Bible study (one family couldn't make it since their daughter was sick). I made the Hawaiian Pizza Pasta recipe from cousin Jess, and I thought it turned out well.We also had salad, garlic bread and dessert.
The lesson this week I thought was particularly good. It was on "shaping the will without breaking the spirit" of kids. As Shawn & I went over the lesson on Saturday night, watching the Dr. Dobson video, we both had tears in our eyes. A little boy shared that his dad called him stupid and hit him on the head after he missed a basket in a game and he didn't like that. My heart broke for him. Then Dr. Dobson himself shared that he overheard his dad say something when he was four years old. He didn't repeat it because he knew his dad didn't mean it, and yet all these years later (and at the time of this video, I would guess Dr. Dobson was in his 70s), he still remembered the comment. Once again, we thought of how important what we say can be to our kids; after all, this guy remembered a comment 70 years later and it still hurt his feelings!!! Dr. Dobson noted that children won't remember what they did to provoke our anger, they will only remember our reaction. Then the lesson gave suggestions for cooling down when we're upset before we speak. We need to give loving discipline (which includes spanking at appropriate times), consistent discipline but always remember not to attack the self-worth of a child or say things we will regret when the heat of the moment is gone. We both thought the reminder was good. We love our boys and want the best for them! It also made us sad to think of the other children in this world who don't have parents with the same type of attitude (even if we fall short in our actions, we always mean the best... what about kids who don't have that benefit to start with?).
Monday was a rainy day, which was a high disappointment after such a long week of beautiful weather. Joshua had preschool again after his spring break, and then Aunt Missy came to watch the boys while I went to school. Both kids were excited, and Caleb calls her "Mimmy" which I think is cute.
Tuesday morning, Joshua slept in, which is always concerning. He didn't wake up until I got him up at 8 am! Grandpa Georgia called shortly thereafter and invited us to breakfast. The timing was perfect, and I said absolutely! We picked him up and went to his favorite 'Greasy Spoon' (Bridgeport Family Restaurant). They do a really good breakfast. I got my typical western omelet and he got his typical cream chip beef. I ordered the kids french toast & bacon, and Joshua got a special treat of chocolate milk (Caleb's a little too small to have such a messy drink in a cup with a lid. He had milk in his sippy cup and then we ordered him a cup of water with a lid and straw for the practice).
Afterward, I asked Dad if he would like to go with us to Central Market, and he said sure. We walked around the whole place, and I bought strawberries, bananas, a cantaloupe, and grapes. I almost bought apples and potatoes, too, but then decided that I probably had enough to carry. But next time! ( Joshua always says; this expression of his always makes me smile). Ric's stand always has the best homemade breads, too, but I realized we would eat it and that wouldn't be good for our waistline if I bought it. We were out of there within an hour.
We came home afterward and played trains, and I washed all the fruit, cut it up and put it in convenient bowls to eat. After naps, I took the boys for a walk around the neighborhood. Joshua didn't want any lunch or snacks (whereas Caleb had lots of fruit and some crackers and cheese), and then on the walk he told me that his belly hurt. I feared that maybe it was from not going since Thursday. But, I discovered after we got home what the culprit was. He began vomiting and continued throughout the night. Poor little guy has the stomach bug, I guess. And I can't even blame church since we weren't there this weekend. So, I'm not sure where he picked it up, but really it could have been anywhere. Please pray that he feels better! I always worry about him since he's so underweight to begin with. Shawn put both his hands around his belly last night and they easily touched. It scares us both. While I don't want Joshua to struggle with his weight either, it makes me nervous that he's so skinny that you can see all the bones in his body.
He woke up starving today and so far has kept down the little that we've allowed him to eat (following the BRAT diet - he's had half a banana, a small serving of applesauce, some cheerios and two crackers), so I'm hoping we're on our way to recovery. He's begging for more, but I thought we'd wait and see how this stayed down and then I'll let him eat the whole house if he wants to. Also, I must say that I was thoroughly impressed that Joshua made it to the bathroom every single time he vomited except for last night in his bed when it woke him up. But, that was fairly easy to clean with taking off his blanket & sheets and washing them. My little guy is growing up all the time, and this is another way I'm seeing that. What a big guy!
I forgot to share that on Sunday I went for a jog, and for the first time since I had my gall bladder out I was able to run and not experience the stabbing pain in that area under my ribs on the right side. I had been frustrated to tears before since I enjoy being outside and jogging and the pain would literally make it so I could barely tip toe home, holding my side and begging for mercy from God for this terrible pain to go away. I was at a loss of what to do next - get a second opinion maybe since the surgeon said I should be healed? I'd been praying about it, and then I emailed a guy that we used to know from the LHOP youth group. He's been posting on Facebook how he's praying for people and seeing them healed. I asked Shawn what he thought, and he said to go ahead and email him. After all, it couldn't hurt. So, I did on Saturday. And although we didn't have the chance to actually meet face-to-face, on Sunday, I knew I was healed and I'm standing on that belief. There is no medical explanation for the severe pain I had been experiencing (or none that was found), so I'm praying that God simply fixed it as only He can do. I had a great run, and I felt alive and hopeful again. It was an amazing experience. I still have a slight soreness there, but I'll take that. As long as it doesn't stop me, I'm good! I emailed the guy to tell him, and he said he's been experiencing not only 'laying on of hands' healing but also 'distance healing' where he will pray for folks in other countries or command healing when he's driving and sees someone walking. He said he's hearing testimony after testimony of God's faithfulness. What faith! What obedience to continue to pray for people and see healing! What an AMAZING God we serve! Only Jesus could have healed me on the Sabbath. :)
Back to the boys! Caleb has finally figured out how to make the toys that giggle work and he keeps squeezing the feet and laughing with them. It's so cute. :) With the Bean's sickness, we've allowed Joshua to watch more TV than normal, and he's enjoying the movie "Toy Story" which I've never seen before. I remember Jordon liking the movie, though. So funny how the boys go through similar cycles.
The picture below made me smile as I saw it once again after taking it. Joshua sees lots of airplanes when we walk, and he always points to them and calls them "Jeremy" (since the airplane in the Thomas stories is named Jeremy). Both boys call airplanes that now and they ask Jeremy if he's going to Florida to visit Mamaw & Papaw. :) :) :) Joshua particularly likes when they're low enough that they can 'land.' He also saw "Harold" the helicopter the other day as we were walking. I love how close we live to Lancaster Airport that we can't always hear the planes, yet the boys get to see them from time to time.
Well, I should run. Have a great day!

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