Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy 3 & 1/2 Birthday, BEAN!

On Thursday, March 18, we headed to the Picture People to get Joshua's 3 1/2 year pictures professionally taken. I had a coupon for one free 8 x 10, and I narrowed it down to just the above picture. The girl asked him to get down on one knee but stand up tall - he was confused by what she was asking, so I demonstrated. Once he got it and she said "perfect" he just beamed. He was so proud to do what he was asked. I loved this expression. Shawn & I also liked the one below. Daddy commented, "Doesn't he just look so old in this picture?"
It's hard to remember what age the kids start doing things, so I try to generally comment on what they're doing at this age. One thing that Joshua is enthralled with right now is stickers. He received a sticker book from my mom for Christmas, and he loves taking each of the stickers off and putting them on the pages. This one was on 'speed machines' and he's completely finished with the cars and mostly done with the airplanes and trains. He LOVES it!
Joshua also likes to sing along to songs. We often smile as he sings away. Thursday night he was singing in the back seat of our car with his one toy "Hey Diddle Diddle, the cat & the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon... the little dog laughed to see such [I can't remember what word he said here, but it didn't sound like 'sport' to me] and the dish ran away with the spoon." We cracked up! I LOVE to hear his sweet voice.
Joshua is still struggling to do his 'longer business' in the potty. We haven't had to worry about wet pants in a long time, but he struggles to do the other in general. He had success today, but I worry about him in between episodes. Please pray for him! I fear that maybe he just has issues and then other times I think it's a matter of being strong-willed.
Joshua loves to play outside (thank you God for this weather we've had this week!), especially with his little car, his sidewalk chalk, his mower and times that he can go to the park or playground and slide down the slides.

He also likes to have a 'plan' and a very detailed plan. He enjoys knowing what's coming next, and I've found it makes the transition much easier.
He loves to play with Caleb, too, and I hear him being a 'little momma' to him, which cracks me up at times. Caleb simply follows most times. I think Joshua is lovey in general, and he enjoys spending quality time with all of us. He still likes being tucked in by both parents at night, and he adores when we tell him stories. He likes when I tell him the story of Noah, and he can generally tell it back to me that "Noah was a very good boy, but the others were not good children... so God told Noah to make a boat and he put a girl and boy of every kind of animal on there..." and then we talk about different animals for fun and continue on with the story.

For the most part, he's also sleeping better at night. He still has his moments, and getting him to go to bed is tough some nights. He's also still an early riser and definitely loves the morning time. He takes good long naps in the afternoon usually, though, and I do enjoy the time that I can get things done when he and Caleb are sleeping.

Joshua is really enjoying preschool this year, and I'm so glad we chose to send him. He still tells me about the time that they painted with their feet. I think sometime I'm going to have to try it... when it's nicer outside and we can do the whole thing out there (including the 'foot bath') and not get cold. This week was in the high 60s - low 70s, so we're just about there. I hope it continues to stay warm. The glimpse of sun is amazing!

Joshua also enjoys playing games, but we tried 'go fish' the other day, and I'm not sure he completely understood. It was also a little difficult because we were playing with Bible character go-fish, and the characters sort of looked alike. Since he can't exactly read yet, he didn't completely grasp the game in its entirety. But, he's getting there. :)

He still enjoys reading us books (ones that we've read so many times that he has them memorized) and I hope that he'll always enjoy reading. He gets books at the library at preschool, and he's brought home the Thomas ABC book twice now. We go over all the letters, and he knows all of them but occasionally gets a few confused. He also enjoys his little "computer" (the leapster Ma-maw got him for Christmas), his airplanes and Cars themed characters from Florida, coloring, and playing with Little People with Caleb (which he's almost outgrown but Caleb truly enjoys so they have fun together). He also likes animals, dinosaurs, tractors, cars, balls and puzzles. I love to play with him and enjoy when he & Caleb play well together.

Well, it's time to put the boys to bed, so I must run. Happy 42nd month birthday, my little man! I love you dearly.

1 comment:

Cheryl N Martin said...

Wonderful pictures! Wonderful memories. I love you, Joshua:)
