Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy 20 Month Birthday, Caleb Luke!

My little guy is already 20 months old! It's hard to believe how quickly time flies. As much as I'm looking forward to summer, that means that my youngest will be two years old - hardly a baby anymore!

Caleb makes us laugh almost everyday. His favorite TV show is Curious George (and he'll sit and watch it for more than five minutes now - it has to be close to ten before he gets up to wander). He reminds us of Curious George so much. He's loving and playful, yet so curious and into things. He doesn't want to stick by our sides like the Bean always did but is much happier just being allowed to wander and explore.
He loves music, and the boys love the song "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga. On the same CD of random music, I have the song "Live Your Life" by T.I. & Rhianna. I never noticed the background vocals until the other night in the car when Caleb started singing "Hey.. Oh.. Hey.. Oh.." I literally cracked up! He is sooo adorable.
When I tucked him in bed on his 20-month birthday, he repeated the prayers I was saying. Joshua always does that, but this was the first time that Caleb repeated them pretty much word-for-word. I can't get over his vocabulary. Just for fun, I went back to May 2008 when Joshua turned 20 months old. At that time, the Bean knew his body parts and animal sounds (which Caleb has known for months now) and was just starting to say more words. I think it's so much easier for the second little one because they also learn from their siblings and the parents talking with the siblings.
Caleb is learning his shapes (which he knows pretty well, I think) and his colors, which we're still working on. He often gets yellow and orange right, but not most of the other colors. I realize it's early, though, since most kids don't know them until closer to age three.

My little guy loves puzzles and books, and he has truly enjoyed being outside the past few days and begs to go for walks in the stroller. He likes the fresh air and playing outside in the garage, much like his older brother. He loves to give kisses and hugs to his older brother and follow what he does. He also detests baby seats or high chairs and desires sitting in a big person seat like his older brother, which we've started allowing. He does pretty well with his silverware, too, which Joshua didn't at this age quite yet. I don't compare them because I think Caleb has had it easier, but it's interesting to see what the similarities and differences are. I think we let Caleb get away with a lot more than we ever did Joshua, and then the Bean feared making mistakes, which I regret. We as parents are learning as we go, too! That's why I'm enjoying the Bible study we're doing with our small group right now on raising kids by Dr. Dobson.

We just put Caleb in size 8 shoes. I can't believe how big his feet are! Joshua is only now in size 9. Caleb is also 25 pounds, exactly what Joshua was at his age. That seems weird to me since Josh always seemed so scrawny and Caleb seems meatier. But, I guess they are both underweight. They both have been eating pretty well lately, though. I think their favorite is peanut butter & jelly, chicken nuggets, yogurt, applesauce, grapes and bananas. Caleb just ate cheese for the first time the other week without spitting it out immediately. Caleb is comfortably in 18-month clothes (well, mostly - we love pants that have an adjustable waist so we can cinch them in, but he needs the extra length!) and I would guess that he might be in 24-month shirts by summer for the length of them. His skin is still dry, and I'm hoping that clears up this summer.

We love when Caleb makes the noises of his cars and airplanes. It makes us smile. He is really a cutie pie. There is more I could post, but I never have enough time. Happy 20-month birthday, Caleb Luke!

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