Tuesday, June 16, 2009


First of all, I have to say that I love Joshua in these spiderman jammies. He looks so adorable! One of his favorite new interests is Mr. Potato Head. He loves picking out the ears and noses, etc. He calls them "matos" for "Tomatoes" and we're working on calling the 'PO-tatoes.' He gets it right until he gets excited. We're having fun with them. The funniest thing to me is that he calls the smallest one "dada." Haaa!!!
Joshua calls everything Momma's. He likes to ride in Momma's car, he asks to go to Momma's house, he wants to sleep in Momma's bed (although he does like to sleep on Daddy's pillow)... you get the idea. Shawn was feeling a little left out, until they were playing on the back porch with the outdoor toys and recycling. He called one of the chairs "Dada's chair." Shawn said "Hey, thanks! Momma gets the nice house and I get the crappy chair on the stinky back porch." Hee hee! It does make us laugh.
I was giving Caleb & Joshua snacks the other night while Daddy was at Guys Night Out with our small group. Us gals had gotten together for pizza at Lisa's house (so fun!) but the boys didn't really eat much when there were all these little friends to play with. When we got home, the Bean said he was hungry and Caleb also ate well. Caleb kept asking for "more! more! more!" Pretty soon, Joshua had finished his crackers and asked for some moles. I didn't understand at first....what??? Moles??? Then I heard that Caleb's "more" sounds like "mole" and Joshua thought his younger brother was asking for moles, which looked good to him. I gave the Bean some of Caleb's snack and he said "Yummy! Moles!" Haaa!!! Silly boys!!!
Finally, yesterday we did full-blown potty training. I put on big boy undies and explained that the Bean was going to have to tell me when he had to go potty. Then I tried putting him on his little potty (which he now prefers the little stand alone black potty to the big potty with the little potty seat...it switches back and forth) about every hour or so. He told me that he didn't want to wear a shirt with his undies. At first I was going to force the issue of getting dressed, and then I decided I should pick my battles. Did it matter that he just wanted undies? Not really. So, when we went outside to play, he had undies and Crocs on. It was quite the sight in our backyard! He went through about four pairs of undies throughout the day, but he knew immediately when he started going and often went more in the potty after sitting down. He actually told me before his nap that he had to go and we made it to the potty in time! After he napped (during which time he wore and peed in his diaper), I sat him back on and we had more success! The day before he had poo-pooed on the potty, too. It was a great day of training. He is by no means there yet, but I think we both felt relaxed about the trying. That boy was excited about his undies, excited about his potty and excited for chocolate (which he still says really cutely - "choc-O-let"). I think that the prayers have worked!
Today we went to the park, so I stuck a diaper back on him and we didn't do much with potty training since after we got home it was time for naps. But, tomorrow is another day for trying! My prayer is that he's fully potty trained by 3!While today was another day that the entire MOPS group was invited to go to the park, very few of us showed up. Again it was overcast, though, and really chilly. In fact, I put a hoodie on me and a zippy on Caleb (Joshua said no thank you, but he was still in long pants. And it's June!). The cloudy skies and cooler weather was nicer for this park, though, since the rubber flooring gets really hot otherwise. It allowed Caleb more freedom to crawl and play. And climb! He kept me busy all morning!My friend Becca and her two daughters were there, which was nice. Alayna says "Caleb" so cute, and she and the Bean get along really well. In the picture below they were taking a ride on a train that we had to muscle and crank. You'll also notice in these pictures that Joshua got his much-needed full-blown haircut last night and Caleb got a little trim around his ears and in the back.We hung out at Becca's house this past Friday for a playdate, then we saw them at Lisa's on Saturday since the guys went out and had fun together. Then LifeGroup was at their house on Sunday with a picnic and playtime in their backyard and nearby park. Hopefully they're not sick of us Good's! I'm so glad we've gotten to know them and the other folks in our life group. It's neat to watch the kids interact and get along as parents.The kids had a great time, even though several times they gave me a near heart attack. The picture below shows Joshua climbing this big-kid ladder-esque thing. He actually fell once, but it didn't seem to hurt him - it just scared him (and me!).Caleb also climbed up the stairs and the slide to be with the big kids. I think he'll be playing on this type equipment long before the Bean ever did, but he's still not quite old enough yet. He's still taking a step here or there, but he hasn't put them all together yet. I'm hoping before his first birthday he can walk!
Lastly, which you can't see in any of these pictures, the boys were wearing identical shirts today. And I mean identical, right down to the size. Joshua is officially back in 18-month clothing. My skinny boy! And while Caleb normally wears 12-month clothing (although the jeans he wore today are 6-9 months), the 18-month shirt fit him as well. I've found that I didn't have a lot of 24-month shorts for Joshua, and 3T were way too big - although we do have one pair from Grandma & Grandpa Ginder that had an adjustable waist that we can really cinch in. Anyway, I bought a pair of 24-month shorts at Walmart, and they fell right off the Bean's waist. So, I dug out some 18-month shorts from Caleb's armoire and low and behold they fit Joshua perfectly. In some ways that's good because I don't need to buy anything for my Bean; on the other hand, I do worry that he's not eating enough and gaining enough weight to be healthy. Oh, my silly boys!!!

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