Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy 11-month birthday, Caleb Luke!

I can't believe my baby is already 11 months old! It seems like just yesterday I was giving the speech to Joshua about my love not changing for him even though we were going to have the addition of his little brother. But, alas 11 months have gone by like the blink of an eye! On Thursday, I rushed Caleb to the doctor's office after speaking with a nurse who said "bring him in immediately." He had woken up from his nap screaming, and when I went into his room, he was covered in blood. I was panicked, but I quickly picked him up and wiped off his arms and face and realized the blood was coming from his mouth. But, I couldn't tell where...did he chew on the crib and get a splinter? Was he vomitting blood? It was all over his shirt and still coming out rapidly. And, he was sooo upset (and so was I). The pediatrician determined he had somehow hit his upper teeth on the crib, and the gums in between his two front teeth were cut. He wasn't allowed to have any hard solid foods that night, and she warned me that any biting would re-open it (and he bites everything!!!). Well, sure enough, he bled most of the night, but by the next day he was all healed. The doctor also said that he may be prone to this type of injury because his gums attach lower on his teeth than most. Poor lil' Caleb Luke!
He now weighs 20 lbs 6 oz. He has been eating us out of house and home! He definitely eats more than the Bean at this point in life already. We went out to breakfast with Grandma & Grandpa and Caleb polished off three-quarters of Joshua's pancake along with his jar of food while Joshua ate maybe half of the leftover quarter and three slices of bacon. Sadly, though, Caleb is not enjoying Cheerios as much as he once did.Caleb is now in love with his green blankey and cozies up to it every night when I say "here's your lovey...go night-night!" He sleeps really well throughout the night usually.Our beloved Caleb is still into everything. He loves to explore and dump and discover! He keeps me busy as he is quiet and fast! We found out that he can climb the entire set of stairs by himself as we saw him start trying and we were right behind him but didn't assist. He is so strong!I really thought he would be walking by now. He can stand for long periods of time and will even untwist a stroller or cart to keep pushing it, but he hasn't let go yet to take that first step. I don't think it will be long, though.Caleb is starting to gab more, too, and I think he says "up." We just started working on it with him. However, we know that he understands more of what we're saying. For example, I asked him to put the fridge magnets back where they belong, and he started putting them up, smiled and clapped for himself.My little man LOVES music and he can hear a beat way off in the distance and will start to bounce and flap his arms to dance to it. I love it! He's adorable. Tonight we walked to the park, and I helped him slide down the big slide. He smiled and giggled and loved it.I'm trying to think of any other stories...our lives have been so busy that it's hard to keep up with blogging and all the little things that make us smile or giggle in a day. But, we love our sons to pieces. Happy 11-month birthday, Caleb!!! This is the last month you'll ever be zero!

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