Monday, June 22, 2009

Funny Bean!

Today I was asking Joshua, "What's your name?" since we got our 33-month questionnaire from Early Intervention and one of the questions is does your child answer with both first and last ame when asked. He responded "Joshua Good." I asked him his brother's name, and he said "Caleb Good." Then I asked, what's my name? He replied, "Mama Good." Haaa!!! Sooo funny! He'll say Daddy's name is Shawn Good but my name is Mama and nothing else. He cracks me up!

Today was also the first day that Joshua got undressed by himself and mostly dressed by himself. I put his shirt on over his head, and he put his arms in like usual. He can get the shirt off his head, but I haven't really pressed him on putting it on. But, today he put both feet into his shorts by himself, stood up and pulled them the whole way up. I, of course, buttoned them then, but I was highly impressed. Most days Joshua dramatically tells us "YOU do it!" when we ask him to get undressed or re-dressed, but today he was in the mood to try. We've also had great success with the potty again today, and I actually went for a walk with big boy undies and no pull-up and he stayed dry and went immediately when we got home. Great job, Bean!

Joshua also has an incredible sense of direction for his age, I think (I say this because I have no directional abilities!). He knows how to turn to get home to our house from any given area nearby (which frustrates him to no end if we're near the house but don't go right home). He also will tell us which way to turn to go to his favorite slides, to go to Aunt Jen's house, how to get to Mamaw's (old house, that is), etc. I think it's pretty impressive for a two-year-old to know his way around town!

I'm also trying to teach Joshua the difference between boys and girls. I ask him, "are you a boy or a girl?" His response? "Skies!" and because Daddy laughed at the silly response, that's his answer, on cue, every time.

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