Thursday, June 4, 2009

The beginning of June

I can't believe how long it's been since I've sat down to post about our daily happenings! Too long! We've been busy, busy, busy! Last Thursday I had a doctor's appointment for my vericose veins, which are really painful right now. Shawn took off to watch the boys while I was there, and it worked out that we could borrow a U-haul truck that same day. So, while the boys napped, he started loading the truck and we worked together on finishing the yard-ectomy when I got back. Thankfully with three U-Haul truck loads filled to the absolute brim, we were successful in tearing out one whole section of our yard. Joshua LOVED the big truck. He was so excited he could barely contain it. He would try to climb up the ladder into it, and we would shoo him away. Then he would ask if he could take a 'tree' to the truck like I was doing (since Shawn was still ripping out), and Daddy would break him off a small piece that he would struggle to get up to the truck. He was having great fun, and Caleb was also very good playing.
That night after we returned the truck, neither one of us felt like cooking but we were both starving. So, we decided to be crazy and went out to dinner at the Texas Roadhouse since it's loud enough for children to be comfortable in. We feasted on steak, Joshua ate chicken tenders and french fries, Caleb ate dinner rolls and his baby food, and we all enjoyed the evening out while our muscles were aching. Caleb literally danced the entire evening in his high chair to the country music (which included "there ain't no cure for the summer time blues!") and Joshua told me all about the wall hangings, including a very large fish. I asked him the fish's name, and he said "JEW!" Daddy calls Jimmy Eat World - a band that sings one of Joshua's favorite songs - 'JEW' for short, and the Bean named the big fish that. Although, we thought the name was pretty comical. :)
The vascular surgeon scheduled an ultrasound for my legs on Friday, and thankfully Grandma made it back from her trip 'round the world (or at least the US) to watch the boys for me so Shawn didn't have to take off two days in a row. Grandma came bearing gifts for the boys, including an adorable belt with Joshua's name on it, and a sippy cup with Caleb's name on it. We were glad to see Grandma after such a long time away (Joshua especially went crazy at her coming to the door). The ultrasound went well (other than the nastiness of warm gel all over my legs), and I'm anxious to talk to the surgeon again! Unfortunately, he was on vacation this past week, so my follow-up appointment isn't scheduled until Tuesday, June 9. Thanks for watching the boys, Mom!
I can't even remember last Friday sad is that? On Saturday, then, we worked on weeding and I felt like an amazing woman when I took two trash cans full of our jungle to the dump with both kids in tow so Shawn could start the mowing. (I was the only woman there, and I could barely get them emptied by myself. But, I did it!!! The place also seems a bit like a maze to me, so I was thankful to have been there before with my hubby to know where to go and how to get in and out, etc.) I then mowed the back yard (Shawn offered to just finish after he did the front and trim, but I like it when he can take a break and just play with the kids, etc. Besides, it's great for getting a tan...or in my case, just a little less white!). That afternoon while the kids napped, I finished cleaning the entire house, which I had started on Friday afternoon. It's amazing how dirty a house can get in just a week's time! We then did an exercise video together and went to the later service of church on Saturday night than the normal one we attend so I would have time to grab a quick shower. I actually left the house without make-up on! And while the sermon wasn't earth-shattering - it was two guys from Africa talking about how our church helps World Vision in their area - it did remind me that we are very blessed, we shouldn't take our comforts for granted, and God wants us to live our lives to fullest for Him (not just for ourselves or our own selfish desires).
Sunday morning we got a call that Grandma & Grandpa Ginder had arrived safely in town. More pictures and stories to come from their visit and this past week!

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