Thursday, June 18, 2009

Golly G - look who's 33!

Today Joshua turns 33 months old. He 'posed' for this picture in his brand new big boy underpants. He picked out the orange ones himself this morning. And, as of yet, he still likes to just have the undies on and nothing else.Today has been a pretty successful day, I'd say. He stayed dry all morning and even through naptime. At one point while we were playing in the office, I noticed that he was starting to look a little wet, so we went to the potty and he immediately filled it. At one point, he even asked me to go. So, I'd say we're on our way! He hasn't pooped in three days, and I don't know if that's because he hasn't had a diaper on or if he hasn't eaten enough calories. In the picture above, he's reading the card he gave me for my birthday. When I told him 'happy birthday' this morning, he went and got the card and has been saying "happy birthday." He also sang it this morning, which never happened on my actual birthday. Silliness!There are so many things we appreciate about Joshua. We love that he is learning and growing. I love to see how gentle he is with other children and us. I also love that he doesn't really get into a lot. I'm also seeing growth in him obeying us as parents. I see less frustration overall as he's able to communicate more and more. I love when he gets excited about something - it's so cool to see the world through a child's eyes. And, it's even cooler when you think that child is amazing.I can appreciate how big Joshua is getting when I see things that he can now do that he couldn't before. I remember wondering, 'will he ever walk or know how to use silverware or be okay at a restaurant?' And he does well with all three! He also pretends now - which is sooo cute - and reads books (or tells us what he remembers in them). The other morning, Caleb dug out "The Cross-Centered Life" from my nightstand. Joshua said it was his book and carried it around all day. I loved it! How I hope it will be true of him!Joshua finally had success "doing his business" in the potty since I started this post. I'm amazed at how well he's doing. I think he's really grasping the concept. Yeaaaahhh!!!Finally, since both boys are up, I'll finish this post with more silly potato head pictures. Joshua loves playing with them right now, among other things.Happy 33-month birthday, pumpkin pie!


Julie Garner said...

Val, this is so awesome! I haven't been to the blog in a long time. Just this week Jude decided he was ready to be potty trained again...which I hope is the final time! It has gone really well. What a blessing it will be to only have one in diapers again.

I loved the story about Joshua carrying around the Cross Centered Life! I hope that's all of our kids!!!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I like Joshua naked on the potty. I think he's ready. Ready to ride my cock. He's such a slut. He can suck my dick then ride my cock. I love Joshua on the potty. Let me fuck him. I'll be gentle. He'll love it. I'll train him to be a slut for other men.