Monday, February 11, 2008


I got a call from Mom Friday morning asking if I'd like to do lunch with her. Hmmm...when have I ever turned down good food and great company? So, I said ABSOLUTELY! My sister Jen was kind enough to let Joshua eat and play with her over lunchtime so I didn't have to worry about him in the busy restaurant. I enjoyed seeing Mom for lunch and then played with Jen's kiddos some before we left (they wore me out!). Friday night, Shawn called on his way home from work and told me to be ready with Joshua. You got it! We went for quick shopping trip, ate dinner at a a new pizza shop over on Lititz Pike, and then headed to Brian & Gayle's house to meet Jenavieve. We had a nice visit and stayed a little over an hour. She has the tiniest little body and head but long fingers and cute! Joshua was VERY interested in seeing his new cousin, and he stood right next to whoever was holding her. He didn't ever try to touch her, but he was intrigued by her sounds and this small bundle that was being passed around. It was precious. Joshua also loved seeing Grant and giggled with him. I completely forgot to take my camera - DOH!

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