Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Baby Good at Week 19

Fetal Development:
Along with the lanugo, vernix caseosa forms on your baby's skin. Vernix is a white cheesy substance that protects your baby's skin from its aquatic environment ~ imagine how your skin would look if you sat in water for nine months! The placenta continues to grow and nourish the baby. (Vernix is what really made me gag thinking of this stuff on the baby's skin, that eventually the baby ends up eating...YUCK!!!)

Maternal Changes:
You may be noticing several skin changes. These are hormone-related and will disappear after delivery. You may have the "mask of pregnancy" - blotchy patches on your forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. Itchy skin is also very common. Your skin may be dry and flaky in certain areas and many pregnant women develop rashes, particularly on the stretched skin. You can't prevent stretch marks but lotions or oil can ease the dryness and itching. Drinking lots of water and eating a healthy diet will go a long way in reducing dryness.

Tomorrow's the Day!
Pretty in pink, beautiful in blue
We'll find out tomorrow, that much is true!

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