Thursday, November 1, 2007

Time with Grandma Ginder & Aunt Erica

Aunt Erica & Grandma Ginder stayed with us the past few days. They came bearing gifts of deviled eggs (yum!) and Erica was so helpful in allowing me time to get caught up on my work while she played with Joshua. Isn't this picture below adorable? Look at Joshua's face compared to Grandma Ginder's. Can't tell they're related, can you!?!? I cracked up at this photo! Joshua is starting to talk more and more. What is he saying? The world may never know. He LOVES to gab, and he often talks in a "deep" commanding voice. It sounds like gibberish, but his facial expression is priceless. He does say a few words clearly, but for the most part it's all indistinguishable. I love it. His little talkative voice is music to my ears. He seems to be getting bigger and bigger by the day... He also has a toy that makes music that Grandma Ginder & Aunt Erica would dance to everytime it played. Now, he pushes the purple button to make the music go and his arms flap in a dancing motion. It's so precious! What a handsome little Bean we have! I love him dearly.

1 comment:

DG said...

that is to funny - as Grandma is over my shoulder laughing away at it. There is something else that she is teaching Joshua.