Sunday, November 18, 2007

Holidays Commence

Going to the funeral home with Mom on Friday (thanks, Nonie, for watching Joshua again for me!) opened my eyes to how many decisions you need to make regarding 'final arrangements' and how much everything costs. Wow! The funeral director (or undertaker...what are they called these days?) was talking about what ashes feel like from cremation and I honestly almost lost my lunch right then and there. Mom is not planning on getting Jamie cremated, but the thought of touching someone's ashes...well, I still don't even want to think about it. The place was ungodly hot...or my black sweater was much too heavy...and I felt sick. I can't imagine what it would be like to have to plan my spouse's funeral...I think it would be emotional torture. Mom's doing well, but has had her moments of grieving in between company. Please continue to pray for both of them. Jamie's brothers from Myrtle Beach flew & drove in to see him this past weekend and his daughters finally went to see him today. I think most folks have said their goodbyes and released him in their minds to heaven.

On Saturday Shawn & I took Joshua to the mall where we met Missy & Kevn and their puppies, Brian & Grant (Gayle came later), Alicia & Jordon and Bonnie & Grandma Good to get Christmas pictures of the grandkids. It was also ungodly hot in Picture People, too, and the entire event was an experience...enough said. Here were the pictures that Missy bought:
This morning was supposed to be Daniel's dedication, but Jen postponed it until a time when Mom could be there. Tomorrow is a busy day of getting our driveway paved (if the weather holds up), our front yard evened out from where the tree was removed and our insulation guys are coming to measure the house. A full day even before you count school in the afternoon! I think this week will fly by...and then it will be time to taste Tom Turkey!!! Yummm...

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