Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Thankful for...My Mom

Last night as I was reading Joshua "Kiss Good Night, Sam" (a book my friend Kristen bought for Joshua), I remembered my Mom reading to me every night. She was really good at making the book exciting, and many of those stories I think I still know by heart. When I am exhausted and Joshua has thrown his food on the floor or come crawling into my lap with a little runny nose, I think of what an amazing job my mom did. She cooked, cleaned, worked and spent time with us kids. Quality time. She played dolls with me, sang to and with us and read to us. I know many songs from the 50s, 60s and 80s by heart since she loved music and would sing away. She invested a lot of time and energy into our lives, and I can appreciate that more now that I'm a Mommy myself. When I'm sick, I still want my mom to this day, who would always graciously put a cool hand on my forehead and hold back my hair, etc. In fact, I'm glad she came over the day that I was desperately sick and needed to go to the hospital to have Joshua. She's also a wonderful Grandma, and we love her dearly. Today I'm thankful for the Mom that God blessed me with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Valerie,

The Bible says children are a reward from the Lord. He must have seen some good in me because he rewarded me richly when he gave me you and your sisters. I know I did not do everything right, but I have always loved you "best." Prov. 17:6 says children's children are a crown to the aged" and I wear my crown with thanksgiving and pride. Jamie and I cherish Joshua, Grace, Faith, Emma, and Daniel; they bring us much joy.

Mom aka Graw-maw