Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thankful for...Freedom

1 Chronicles 16:34 Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever.

Today is Veteran's Day and the Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, which made me reflect on our freedom. I'm thankful that we live in America, where we don't have to worry about things like bombs on buses and war happening on our streets. I'm thankful that we no longer have a draft so men and women can choose whether or not they feel called to go into the armed forces. I'm thankful that we live in a place where we can vote and have a free economy. I'm thankful that we live in America where we have the freedom to worship whenever and wherever we'd like. In church, a video was played about a man who led a Christian movement in Siberia and was imprisoned, frozen, beaten and starved to near death...just for worshipping Jesus. I'm thankful that we don't have to run and hide, that we're not in times of tribulation, that we have amazing freedom. We don't have to live in fear everyday...we can choose to live how the Spirit leads us. Today I'm thankful for freedom.

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