Friday, October 19, 2007

A Day in the Life of Joshua

First things first, it's potty time! While I get my diaper changed when I wake up, I also LOVE flushing the toilet any time I can escape into the bathroom. I don't stop at one flush...I like the idea of that blue "1,000 FLUSHES!"Next, in keeping with Mommy & Daddy, we step right onto the scale. No change! I still weigh 20 lbs...the same I've weighed now for months! Next we'll brush my teeth... Then I get to give Dadda a kiss goodbye. You wouldn't know it from the picture below, but Dadda is cracking me up here. (Mommy can't figure out how to make the picture take quicker - it's on the fastest shutter speed, but it takes forever to snap when she pushes in the button. Stupid new "improved" camera!)
Then, it's time for my breathing treatments. Until I'm done with this cold and it's nasty cough, I have to have breathing help every four hours. The only way I don't scream & throw a royal fit (since it seems like they are trying to suffocate me with a goofy fish-mask) is by being cuddled on Mommy's lap while watching a video. And not just any video, as Mommy found out yesterday, but my video on shapes & colors that makes me laugh. Even with the video, I'm less than calm, but it doesn't quite feel like torture then. This morning, though, I was really, really coughing and couldn't wait to hop into Mommy's lap as she was putting the medicine in the machine...I surprise her all the time.
Next it's time for breakfast. Before I can eat, I get a 3 ML dose of steroids to improve my lung strength. But, I don't like being given medicine from a syringe. Thankfully, this morning was the last dose. Then, I get my prevacid sprinkled on a spoonful of applesauce. I don't care for taking this one either, but the applesauce makes it a little more tolerable. Then I get my treat - Cheerios - hooray! Mommy gives me a few of these to keep me happy while she prepares breakfast. Yesterday it was scrambled eggs. YUCK! I didn't even finish the first bite, so she gave me a banana to munch on. This morning it was french toast. I didn't finish the whole piece, but it was tasty. I drink a whole sippy cup of milk with breakfast. Mmmmm.... My favorite thing to do is throw everything on the floor, which upsets Mommy. But, she picks everything up, which keeps the game going. After we're finished, she puts the dishes here...
She puts me down to roam and play while she finishes cleaning up and washing her skillets by hand. That lets me peek into all the cupboards and make sure nothing was taken overnight by the groundhog that lives in our backyard.
Don't worry, Mommy, I'm not going to get into anything bad...
I think everything's still you need the dishwasher detergent?

After I'm shooed away from cupboards I shouldn't be into like this one, I find my way to the ones filled with plastic that I can play with and I cruise around holding onto the cabinet doors. When Mommy's finished, it's time to go upstairs to get dressed and start to play.
And, what day would be complete without a picture of me?
The End of "Day in the Life of Joshua - Part One"