Thursday, July 5, 2007


Great New Diaper Bag
Last night Joshua and I were playing, and I heard the thunder begin. It had been gorgeous out, but I suspected a storm must not be far off. It was his dinner time, so I put him in his high chair and turned on the radio just in time to hear the National Weather Service issuing a thunderstorm warning - the rain began to pour furiously! Just at that time, the doorbell rang. Our poor soaked mailman was delivering a package - hooray! We ordered a new-to-us large Lands End diaper bag off eBay for $6.99, and I LOVE it. It has lots of compartments and all the storage I need. I would highly recommend it for any moms looking for more capacity - between his food, extra clothing "in case", diapers, toys, etc. I needed something bigger and the price was right! Yeah!

New Words
Joshua has just begun to say "no, no, no, no, no, no" (just like that!) when we do something that he doesn't like. For example, tonight Shawn put him on the floor and was trying to make him crawl so he kept inching back away from him and to the side. Joshua was scootching and saying "no, no, no, no, no, no, no" at the same time. We giggled - he is adding to his vocabulary everyday!

New Game
When Joshua was at Nonie & Poppy's house today (I had a meeting I needed to go to and they were kind enough to watch him), Nonie would ask "Where's Poppy?" and he would look at him. Then she would say "Where's Buddy?" and he actually looked down on the floor until he found him to fix his eyes on their dog, who he loves. I was impressed. It's not a game we've played before, but he caught on quickly. Nonie said that Joshua reminds her of Jordon, who is one of the smartest kids I've ever met. I took it as a huge compliment. She said he's so sharp that you can tell already, and he's also such a good baby and easy to read. You can tell when he's hungry, tired, wants to play, etc. I'm so glad he was good for them!

Hospital Visit
After I picked up Joshua from Nonie & Poppy's, we went to the hospital to visit Mom & Jamie. Yesterday they had lots of company, and today Joshua & I were the first ones (we got there about 4:30 p.m.). He ate while we were there, grunted and filled his diaper in front of a cute nurse that he smiled at (she called him a flirt), and played with toys on a blanket on the floor for a little while which kept him pretty occupied. We didn't stay too long, but I know Jamie & Mom both love kiddos and I think it's nice to have something take their minds off the current situation, even momentarily. Jamie is slotted to have surgery Monday at 1 p.m.

1 comment:

Julie Garner said...

Just getting caught up on your blog! I've missed a lot while I was away...

1) You changed your blog! Lookin' good. It's the old template I used to use. I love that one!

2) Poor Mom & Jamie. I will pray, pray, pray! Let me just say, I loved being with your mom the other day. She's a sweet lady.

3) The diaper bag looks awesome...and what are you? Some kind of crazy E-Bay shopper these days?! Didn't you just tell me you got something else on E-Bay too?

4) More pool time and laughter is in order soon! We had a great time with you guys!

Love ya!