Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Grandpa Georgia

Joshua's physical therapy went well yesterday. I didn't think we were seeing much improvement in his movement, but PT Laura assured me she saw big differences. He moves in and out of the crawling position with ease, he sits up a little better on his own if you remind him how to get to the beginning stance, and he can stand a lot longer on his feet. I know that's all true from two weeks ago when she was here last, but I didn't know those things were "big" improvements." Then I told myself "baby steps" - how appropriate!We got a notice that Joshua's insurance was being cancelled because we make too much money (I'd hate to see poor people then - good grief!) and the medical review board doesn't see him qualifying for a disability. I called my representative at Early Intervention, and she assured me that this must be a glitch. If he qualifies for their services, he qualifies for medical assistance. So, I filled out the paperwork to have a hearing, and my contact is sending me the info I'll need to pass along to them. She also gave me the name of a supervisor in charge that she knows, who I left a message for. Hopefully this all gets worked out since he has some upcoming appointments for his hiatal hernia. Please pray!
Last night, we went out to dinner with both my sisters and their families and Dad & Annette. Unfortunately, Joshua threw up everywhere. Poor Bean! Poor Shawn, who was sitting next to him and took him to get cleaned up while I helped clean up his tray, etc. I think our little guy is exhausted from all the activity between camping and Grandpa Georgia being in town. He's loving all the attention and getting to play with all the new toys, but his schedule has been thrown for a loop. We'll get back on track soon enough. For now we'll enjoy time with Grandpa & Miss B-nette! Today after breakfast we went to Aunt Becky's house so the kiddos could play around at the playground in her development. It's a hot one today! VERY humid. Dad's picking up the ingredients for spaghetti now for supper tonight and Joshua is taking a much-needed nap. A nap doesn't actually sound too bad...

1 comment:

Julie Garner said...

Wish Jude would take his much needed nap...and I might join him too. He went on morning nap strike today. Who knows why.

I'll be praying about the insurance thing. Insurance just really ticks me off. Do you know a single American who is happy with their health insurance or the health system in general? I can't think of one off hand. Why does it all have to be so expensive and so complicated?

Joshua is developing great! And what he may be lacking in physical skills he has surpassed in verbal skills. He's far more verbal than Jude was, and possibly more verbal than Jude is even now. He'll catch up...don't worry. Plus, he's super, super cute! (That goes a long way in this life you know!)

Love you guys! Have fun with G-pa Georgia & Miss B-Nette!
