Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Final Reflections

I've skipped reflections from time to time for one reason or another. Sometimes, they didn't seem like they were appropriate for that time (like talking about receiving gifts right before my birthday or about complimenting my cooking after I had just ruined a meal, etc.) while others seemed too special and appropriate to share publicly at the time. I figured I would end this portion of the blog similarly to how fireworks are ended on 4th of July - a glorious array of many together for one beautiful finally. I LOVE YOU SHAWN WITH ALL MY HEART. THANK YOU FOR BEING A DREAM HUSBAND!!!

Reflection 3: Our Love Grows and Our Marriage Benefits by Your Continued Consideration for Me.
I Appreciate It When You Do as Much to Keep Me as You Did to Get Me.
Cross the mountain, swim the stream, kill the dragon, let me drive your car. Once upon a time there was nothing you wouldn't do to win me, and that was exciting. What is even more exciting is the fact that now you have me, you're still willing to do whatever it takes to keep me. You're still my greatest admirer and the king of kind gestures. Every time you bring me flowers or ask what I'd like to do for fun, you show me that I'm still special to you. Every woman wants to be treasured, not just when she's young and cute, but all her life. What a wonderful thing it is that you treasure me and that I have your actions as proof.

'Husbands who have the courage to be tender enjoy marriages that mellow through the years.' ~Brendan Francis

Husbands should love their wives as [being in a sense] their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself. For no man ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and carefully protects and cherishes it, as Christ does the church. Ephesians 5:28-29 AMP

Reflection 7: Because You Follow God, I Can Trust You to Lead Us Safely.
As Long as You Trust God to Guide Your Decisions, Your Decisions Will Always Be Wise Ones.
Some husbands simply can't be trusted. They use poor judgment, make bad decisions, and make their wives nervous and worried. They follow their impulses and trust their own wisdom to guide them. But you look to wisdom greater than your own. You look to God to guide your decision-making, and you allow His rules to govern your behavior. That is why I trust you. I trust you with my heart because I know you would never intentionally break it. I trust you with our finances because I know you won't act selfishly. Because you want to live a life that makes God happy, you live in a way that makes me happy too. Your wise leadership contributes to my good night's sleep every night.

'Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge so as to meet successfully the emergencies of life. Men may acquire knowledge, but wisdom is a gift direct from God.' ~Bob Jones

Only the Lord gives wisdom; he gives knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6 NCV

Reflection 8: Admitting Your Mistakes Makes You a Big Man.
Being Brave Enough to Admit Your Mistakes Makes You a Big Man, Especially in My Eyes.
It can be hard to admit when you're wrong. It's not a guy kind of thing to do. A man maintains respect by never backing down, never backing off, and never stopping to ask for directions. Right? To admit you were wrong is to acknowledge weakness. But to admit you were wrong is also to admit the truth. That's vital, because wrong things need to be fixed and it's hard to fix what you don't acknowledge - rather like standing on the deck of the Titanic saying "What iceberg?" When you admit your mistakes, others appreciate your honesty. They think, "Here's a man who's not afraid to be human. I can trust him to deal straight with me." The confidence your humility inspires in others is what makes you a big man.

'More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them.' ~Harold J. Smith

Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. Jamese 5:16 AMP

Reflection 12: Good Friends & Interesting Hobbies are as Important as a 401(k) Plan.
The Friendships You're Developing and the Activities You're Enjoying Will Benefit You Both Now and in the Future.
Every man eventually reaches retirement if he lives long enough. Most men plan for it in varying degrees, depending on pension plans or investments to carry them through their post-work years. But not all men consider other investments they need to ensure good retirement. Because you're a wise man, I know when you look ahead you see the big picture. You understand it takes more than money to make those golden years golden. You know you'll need a reason to get up in the morning and buddies to encourage you to keep going and doing in spite of the aches and pains of old age. Go out with the guys with my blessing. Pursue your interests, and develop your support system. I understand that you're investing in your future.

'The better part of one's life consists of his friendships.' ~Abraham Lincoln

A friend loves you all the time, and a brother helps in times of trouble. Proverbs 17:17 NCV

Reflection 17: Compliment My Cooking, and I Guarantee You Will Always Eat Well.
A Sincere Compliment When You've Enjoyed a Meal is Always in Good Taste.
Creating in the kitchen is an art form. Putting together ingredients, combining tastes and texture, ensuring a good nutricious balance - it all takes thought, preparation, time, and labor. It's a labor of love, and you are well worth the effort. I'll make even more of an effort if I know I'm cooking for my biggest culinary fan. So dish out the compliments. Smile and show me you love my cooking and my company. Unlike other artists, my creations don't last, but your appreciation will help the satisfaction of accomplishment linger. If you like something, let me know. When you see I've outdone myself, state the obvious. I don't mind. Your appreciation is my best inspiration. The more appreciation you show, the more inspired I'll get!

'A cheerful look makes a dish a feast.' ~George Herbert

She's up before dawn, preparing breakfast for her family and organizing her day. Proverbs 31:15

Reflection 22: I Love Getting Gifts From You Because They Are Visible Proof of Your Love.
The Fact that You Ignore Me When I Say, "Oh, Don't Buy Me Anything" Proves You're a Genious.
You are such a smart man! You have figured out that female-speak has a text and a subtext. When I tell you I don't need you to buy me anything, you that is, of course, not what I'm really saying. What I'm really saying is, "I'd feel guilty if you bought me something because you thought you had to, and I don't want you to feel coerced. But I love presents, and I especially love presents from you. I hope you'll go out and do exactly what I asked you not to, because I'll be delighted and flattered if you do." So, why don't I just come out and say that? Different wiring, of course. And, I figure you should know. And you do. Thanks for speaking my language.

'God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with.' ~Billy Graham

He brought out gifts of silver and gold and clothing and gave them to Rebekah. He also gave expensive gifts to her brother and mother. Genesis 24:53 MSG

Reflection 23: My Love Notes From You are Treasures I Will Hoard My Whole Life.
No Love Note You Write to Me Will Ever Be Taken for Granted.
I enjoy my knicknacks: mementos from our travels, pretty decorations bought on sale, gifts from friends. I love the jewelry you've given me, especially my wedding ring. Our photo albums are equally priceless. The best treasure I'll ever possess, however, is a love note from you, the most important person in my life. I read your tender words and delight in your desire. I smile and think of happy times and shared laughter. Words are important to us women, and yours are important to me, especially the ones you surprise me with on paper. Those words are written proof of what we have. When I hold a love letter from you, I hold the deed to something more valuable than the world's richest gold mine.

'When expressions of love are unsolicited, they are invaluable.' ~Diana Hagee

Many waters cannot quench your love, neither can floods drown it. If one offered for love all the wealth of one's house, it would be utterly scorned. Song of Solomon 8:7 NRSV

Reflection 33: Turning Your Dreams into Goals Can Turn Them into Reality.
I'm Behind You 100%, so Take Your Dreams to the Next Level and Set the Goals You'll Need to Meet to Make Them a Reality.
To have a dream is to acknowledge that God has plans for you. A dream is a gift born of creativity and ambition. The only thing better is a dream come true. Often all that is lacking to make that happen is a goal. A goal makes it all so much more real, doesn't it? It's like being on a football field, keeping your eye on that goal post, and ticking off the yardage you score with each new down. I want to see you make as many of your dreams come true as possible, so I hope you'll boldly set goals and develop a game plan. I know every time you start planning that exciting things will start happening for you.

'A good archer is not known by his arrows but his aim.' ~Thomas Fuller

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14 NRSV

Reflection 41: Always Remember, God Made You Especially for One Woman, Me!
God Blesses You Because You Care About Proving You're God's Gift to Only One Woman.
Thank you for being a lady's man instead of a ladies' man, for making me the one woman you love to impress. Thank you for concentrating all your love and energy on me, your wife. That kind of commitment earns rewards that a straying husband forfeits. You enjoy a peaceful home, free of tearful scenes and high-voltage wifely wrath. You sleep the restful sleep that comes with a clear conscience. You retain the respect of family and friends. Even more important, you retain your self-respect. You can face yourself in the mirror every morning. Only an insecure man needs to prove he's God's gift to women. You are a special man and a wonderful husband. Trust me. You don't have to prove anything.

'Marriage is not a metaphysical status, which cannot be destroyed; it is rather a moral commitment, which should be honored.' ~David Atkinson

Let your fountain [of human life] be blessed [with the rewards of fidelity], and rejoice with the wife of your youth. Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant doe [tender, gentle, attractive]; let her bosom satisfy you at all times; and always be transported with delight in her love. Proverbs 5:18-19 AMP

Reflection 51: Nothing Time Can Do Will Erode My Love for You.
I Will Always Think You're the Best, With or Without Your Hair.
You had me before hello. The first time I saw you, I knew you were one of a kind. You proved me right. Your smile could make my heart hit overdrive, and your kiss could curl my toes. I could happily give up beauty sleep to stay up talking with you. And you know what? You still have that effect on me. I love your sense of humor. I love the way I fit so well in your arms. I love your heart. I love your charming ways. I love the way you look at me with a gleam and a smile. I'll always look into your eyes and see a beautiful soul; who cares how many laugh lines sneak around them? No matter how your body changes over the years, you'll always be my ideal man.

'True love's the gift which God has given to man alone beneath the heavens.' ~Walter Scott

Listen! My lover! Look! Here he comes, leaping across the mountains, bounding over the hills. Song of Solomon 2:8 NIV

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