Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Clifford the Pup

Yesterday was a rough day at the Good household. When Joshua finally laid down to get his afternoon nap, the phone rang and woke him. I answered as soon as possible, didn't stay on long, and then went in to check on da' Bean. What I saw completely threw me for a loop - he was EATING his crib! He had climbed up on the side and was knawing on our at-one-time-brand-new white crib. He looked up guiltily when I came in and had white paint flakes all over his face and in his mouth. I shouted no, grabbed him and took him to the sink to wash out his mouth. I then called the doctor's office, who told me to call Poison Control. Thankfully, neither one thought that this experience should damage him since the crib was new but said we should watch for discomfort in case he knawed off any wood. BAD Bean! Time to move down the crib...

After my diagnosis of needing antibiotics, I thought it was a safer bet to take Joshua into the pediatrician to make sure he's okay since he can't say things like, "Hey, Mom, my throat hurts!" He did have a fever off and on for a couple days, after all. I scheduled the appointment for after 5 p.m. so Shawn could help me because I was still feeling lightheaded and feverish. When Shawn got here, he told me that I should stay home and take a break and he would just take him. Instead, I went and got the prescription filled and decided that maybe it was time to try eating for the first time that day even though it sounded more painful than anything. Of course, while I was out I saw a popular guy from my high school - go figure since I look like death warmed over. He recognized me right away and began to chat and all I could think was "I don't care." I didn't necessarily care what I looked like or what he was saying - I just wanted to go back home and get into pajamas.

When Shawn got home, he said the doctor kept asking for exact temperatures on Joshua for the last few days. He had no idea, and neither did I. I can tell by feeling his forehead whether or not he has a fever. I didn't realize the degree made such a difference, and Joshua screams bloody murder when we take his temperature (and we take it under his arm). So, now I know. The outcome is that Joshua has the same inflamed throat & tonsils that I do but they didn't give him antibiotics because they want to know what his temperature is running over the next few days to see if he kicks it himself. I'm wondering why my doctor thought, "absolutely antibiotics are needed!" and Joshua's doctor didn't...I sort of wish I had went along. One good thing is that they checked his ears thoroughly and they look fine. I guess he screamed while they were trying to do that, so they gave him a LARGE sticker of "Clifford the Pup" to keep him busy trying to pull it off his shirt. Ummm...isn't Clifford a BIG red dog? I guess he had to start as a pup, too.

Last night I was looking at my throat to see if there were any white spots (isn't that characteristic of strep?) and what I saw made me nauseous. I have a big blister on my right tonsil. YUCK! I was supposed to go to Masterpiece Marketing to help out today since Kelley's on vacation, but I didn't think it was fair to Nonie to give her a sick Bean and I don't want to get the other gals sick. Not to mention that I'm not functioning at 100% right now. So, I'll give the medicine some time to kick in (hopefully soon!) and pray that Joshua gets better, too.

His first day on Prevacid was unimpressive, too. He threw up twice all over me and had 'wet burpies' throughout the day, gurgling and wheezing noises. He also didn't eat that much. Although, I'm wondering if it's fair to evaluate the medicine on a day when he's obviously not feeling good. I'm hoping that he does better with it over the next few days. We shall see!

1 comment:

Julie Garner said...

I'm catching up on your blog! Man, you guys have been through it!

We bought an ear thermometer and Jude loves it. He tried to do it himself, even when he has no fever. And it tells you the temp right away. Dr. Riley told us to get that and then they would take the rectal temp if they need to. Done! (Seeing that the only time I took Jude's temp rectally he pooed on me!)

Jude eats his crib too. Not so much anymore, but there are big tooth marks on it...looks like a beaver ate it! And it was my sister's crib. None of her boys did that, but leave it to the Bug! He's just fine. The crib on the otherhand...

Loved the beach pics! Hope I get to see you tomorrow!

Love yous guys!