Thursday, December 7, 2006


I know many of you have been faithfully reviewing our website to hear about Joshua. I have been blessed by so many prayer warriors standing in the gap for our son! I humbly ask for you to also pray for two of my closest friends. Jen, one of my bridesmaids in our wedding, had a violent seizure on Saturday. She had just found out that she has a small mass on the smallest bone in her brain and has been having severe dizzy spells. However, the doctor is not sure that the two are related. She will be seeing a specialist at John Hopkins on December 12. She is extremely weak and sleeping most of the days away. I cried as I read her husband's website and spoke with her over the phone this morning. Her faith is so alive even though her flesh is so weak! Please pray for a total healing for this dearest friend. Her twin sister Jessica is pregnant with her third child and has also been receiving negative reports. She is going in for another ultrasound the same day as her sister. We will not believe the report of the enemy but know that what Satan has meant for destruction will bring about God's glory!!! I grew up with these two girls in both school and church youth group. They lived down the street from my mom's house, and we were together often. Please pray for them as you have prayed for Joshua (keep lifting him up for his pain levels, too). We know our God is faithful!!!

Having our son this close to Christmas with all the medical issues he has had has given me such a realization of the true miracle of Jesus' birth, death and resurrection! It was no small task for God to give up his only son, perfect and blameless, so that we might have victory over the enemy in our lives. I stand firm that the work of the cross is over these situations, and I pray for peace in their lives as they see a present-day miracle unfold.

1 comment:

Julie Garner said...

Amen, Sister! I think having Jude has been the most profound thing in terms of better understand the Gospel. Today in church I could have wept when we sang the words, "You gave your only son...poured out to death..." I looked at Jude at that moment and then thought, "How, Lord? How could you do that? And for ME?!" Sheesh! I wouldn't do that for me! I know me and believe me...not worth it! HA! But He did, and I am so thankful!

We'll be praying for your friends. I'd love to see you (and Kristen too). Don't know if we can make that happen before Christmas or not, but it sure would be nice.
