Thursday, December 14, 2006

Baby Talk

The night before last, one of my mom's friends saw Oprah and forwarded me the link on that special. It was about a woman who discovered the meaning behind sounds that babies make.

Neh = I'm hungry! (when you hear an 'n' that reflects a sucking noise meaning he's hungry)

Eiirrr = I have gas! (when you hear an 'r' that reflects that he's holding his lower stomach muscles because of gas)

Heh = I'm uncomfortable! (when you hear the 'h' that means that he needs changed, moved, or is too hot or chold)

Ooww = I'm tired!

Eh = I have to burp! (when we have to burp, you leave your airway open and kind of grunt to get it out, so the noise that comes out is 'eh')

I've been studying Joshua, and this seems to hold true. I'm so impressed!

Yesterday, Nonie watched Joshua for an hour so I could go with my former co-workers to a Christmas luncheon. It was so nice to see them! And, it sounds like Joshua was a doll and slept the whole time. Last night, Joshua and Shawn had father-son bonding time while I went to youth group to give the teens an update. I loved being there and seeing everyone again! When I got home, Shawn gave me the biggest compliment and said that he was impressed I get done as much as I do with Joshua during the day. He said he couldn't do anything while I was gone because the little guy constantly wanted to be held, and with his smiles, it's hard to put him down.

Tonight I am giving the final exam at Millersville and then I'm done (other than inputing grades) until mid-January. However, I still need to write the syllabus for next semester and organize that class by examining the textbook. I've been so blessed by this job and the opportunity to stay home with Joshua during this critical time in his life! My mom reminded me that we are millionaires the other day - I wouldn't give Joshua up for a million dollars, so I have more value than that laying in my crib every night. Praise the Lord!
Also, another quick update. Both of my twin friends have had good reports. Jessica's baby looks like it's doing just fine, and they are still looking into why she's losing weight. Jen's lesion on her brain looks like it is just an infection and she will be taking strong antibiotics for a few months to help get rid of it. She's also been put on a special diet for migraines. Praise the Lord for His unending faithfulness and love for us all!!! More Christmas miracles to rejoice about!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord for all of his miracles. What a wonderful Christmas this will be. Thanks for the updates about you and the Waldrons. I can't wait to see you next week! (I sent you an email too).