Monday, September 24, 2012

Taking the High Road

On Monday, September 17, Joshua came out of school VERY excited. This was the first day he "clipped up" on the good behavior chart at school. He had told me ever since the first week of school that he'd been trying and trying to clip up past "ready to learn" but the teacher didn't seem to notice his good behavior. I had tried to explain that the teacher expects good behavior all the time - that means that you're ready to learn. The fact that he was trying to make good choices and go above and beyond made me happy. And I hoped for his sake that he would be able to clip up some day.

That Monday, he told me that "Mason really wanted to sit next to Nathan, so I told him he could have my chair" and that earned him a clip up. He was THRILLED!
When we took him out to his favorite pizza restaurant for his birthday, we saw that the eastbound lanes of the highway were completely stopped and the traffic backlog could be seen for miles and miles as we traveled westbound. I said to Shawn that we needed to make a mental note NOT to come back on the highway because even if whatever the cause of the stopping was cleared, it would take awhile for the traffic flow to get back to a normal pattern. He agreed and added that with his mental state after working it was going to be difficult to remember. I agreed to that statement, so I told the boys that as soon as we came out of the restaurant, they should help us remember NOT to take to highway home. Could they remember? Joshua eagerly agreed. When we left dinner, he told Daddy, "Take the LOW way home." With us both being tired, we had no idea what he meant at first. "Buddy, what are you trying to say?" I asked him. He said "You told me to remind you not to take the HIGH way home, so make sure that you go the LOW way!"

Haaa!!! We cracked up! We had not remembered. (Obviously he had.) But the highway vs. low way made us giggle. I love to experience the world through our boys' eyes. We took back roads home and chuckled about it being the low way. :) :) :)

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