Sunday, September 16, 2012

Apple Pickers

Ever since we moved into this neighborhood, I've admired the apple tree on the corner of our street. It is the most beautiful tree during all seasons. As the boys & I have gone for walks, we always end coming down the street that passes by this tree. We'll talk about the change of seasons, and this is one of our favorite spots to stop and look up. In the spring, it blossoms with the most beautiful of flowers. As summer progresses, tiny little dots turn into bigger and bigger round apples. But, the glory of this tree really comes in the fall when its branches are FULL of big apples. The boys always look up in wonder at what they've always called "Mama's apple tree" since I always point it out.
Over the years we've seen the same people come and pick the apples in the fall. I always assumed it was the family of those who lived there, but I was wrong. Caleb's first preschool teacher's aide moved into the house this spring, and she told us that an older gentleman asked if he could come collect the apples. He takes them up to his hunting camp to feed the deer and watch the animals come closer. He explained that these are crab apples and not very tasty to eat but great for animals. Mrs. Hanna also told us that they'll watch the squirrels eating the apples and turning them all around and then drop the remains on the ground. When we were walking one day last week, she told us that the apple picking was going to happen mid-September so we should watch for it.
On Friday, September 14, we ran some errands with Grandpa Georgia in the morning after dropping Joshua off at school, including picking up his birthday gifts and buying some groceries. When we got back, we saw that the apple pickers were at the tree. I asked Caleb if he wanted to go see and he gave me a very enthusiastic "YES!!!"
If you look closely in the picture above, you'll see a man with a red shirt in the middle of the tree. He climbed up with a hook to shake the apples out of the tree. As Mrs. Hanna's daughter Maddie explained in her blog, it looked like it was raining apples! Maddie came out to greet us (and take their sweet little puppy out for a potty break). She ran back inside for her camera and took these pictures, which she graciously emailed me. Unfortunately, we ran down their so quick that I didn't grab my camera, so I was thankful she brought out hers. The man in the tree was the grandson of the older gentleman we always see collecting the apples.
This man in the picture above is the son of the older man and the father of the man that was in the tree (and the tree climber looked to be around my age, I would guess). Three generations were there, including the boyfriend of the granddaughter. Here's the grandfather below.
We asked if they minded if we watch, and they jokingly said they could use more helpers. Caleb LOVED the idea, but he is SO painfully shy. He begged me to come with him. So, together we collected some of the apples that had rained down from the trees and we helped put them in buckets. He thought this was especially cool. He was having a blast!
Ryan was still in the stroller and wasn't too sure about mommy leaving his side to pick up apples with Caleb. But, he was safe and also intrigued by the action. I sat him back away so he wouldn't get accidentally bonked by a flying apple as they were coming out of the trees. Caleb continued to want me by his side because he thought picking up apples was the greatest fun.
 After we would collect the apples, they took them in these big buckets.
From there, they would dump the buckets into boxes and bins in their pick-up trucks. I wouldn't have guessed that so many apples were on this little beautiful tree!!!!
As I mentioned before, their little dog (Millie, maybe?) came out, and my boys LOVE her! She seems very friendly.
Between watching the apple picking and watching the puppy, my boys were in heaven!
Mrs. Hanna came out to chat for a little while as well. I enjoy talking with her. I think we have the nicest neighbors! The people are great in our neighborhood, which is such a blessing!
 Ryan got some attention as I was helping Caleb.
 And Caleb's cute freckles also got some attention. Maddie is great with the camera and with kiddos! :) :) :)
Soon enough it was time to pick up Joshua at kindergarten. The apple pickers were just about finished anyway. After school, I took the boys to "Little Ninjas" and I ordered Joshua's martial arts uniform while we were there. He will officially start the next level when it comes in since he's turning six on Tuesday.
 I love fall!

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