Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Birthday Surprise

The evening of September 15, Shawn's parents came into town from Florida. We met them for ice cream at Frizz & Freeze in Leola (isn't that the one that has the backward name?) that evening, which was one of the last nights it was open for the season. Joshua was surprised to see them. He said upon arriving "Hey, we've been here before with Mamaw & Papaw - HEY! Isn't that their truck?!?!" Sure enough, it was.
Sunday morning we visited LEFC again. This was our third time trying it, maybe, and it seems like a decent church. We're still trying to see where we're called to be during this season of our lives. Please pray for wisdom for us! Joshua's class watched a little video, he said, about the Old Testament and every time the one character would say "Septuigant" the other character would say "God bless you!" (as in mistaking it for a sneeze). Joshua thought this was HYSTERICAL and he acted it out with Caleb over and over again.
Later that afternoon, Joshua's soccer game was against the YELLOW team at the Classics field at 2 pm. Once again, the black team got pummeled (by sounds). I let Shawn go watch the game with Caleb, and I stayed behind with Ryan who needed a nap.
Shawn said that one of the girls on the yellow team is mentally handicapped, and she picked up the ball with her hands and threw it in the goal. Joshua said "Hey! No fair!" and the crowd roared. Silly Bean!
 Shawn's parents also went to see Joshua play, which he was glad to see. They took these pictures.
 At 6 pm that night, I took the older two boys to Kings Kids Choir at Calvary. This is their first year singing in the choir, but both of them had a great night. Joshua saw some of his friends from preschool days, and Caleb was in a room with my sister's neighbor who I've gotten to know through our sons being in preschool and kindergarten together. They had a great time, and I was able to get some work done while waiting for them. This time, Daddy stayed home with Ryan.

On Monday night while I was at class, Mamaw & Papaw stopped over after they had dinner with other relatives to see the kids and give Joshua his birthday gifts a day early. I was surprised they didn't ask to see him on his actual day. Again, these pictures were from Papaw's camera.
 They brought gifts of Pez for the older two boys. Caleb LOVES Pez. He's a candy addict!
 I loved this picture of him eating the candy! Don't you love that grin?
 Ryan had a little animal cracker snack with his brothers.
 Don't you love this messy baby?
 Then Joshua opened his birthday gifts - he received a pair of 6 slim jeans (which we really needed!), a dress shirt that he asked to wear to school on Wednesday, and a new left-handed baseball glove that he was THRILLED to get! Thanks!!!
He also got this truck/helicopter set that the boys played with. I didn't see him open his things, but I saw the presents when I got home from work that night.
 And here's Joshua with his Pez dispenser.
Papaw took him out a little Wednesday after school before pictures to try his glove out. He was excited to spend time with Papaw and his glove!

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