Friday, September 28, 2012

Grant's Birthday Party

Sunday, September 23, was also cousin Grant's birthday. We took our ice cream from Joshua's soccer game "to go" and raced home (I parked at the very edge of the lot, backing in, so I could get out right away). We let Joshua change quick as we got the other kids buckled and away we went to Akron Park to Grant's birthday party, which we were extremely late for.
They had already sung to Grant, but Gayle shared a piece of ice cream cake with us - and it was delicious! Grant started opening his gifts from Nonie & Poppy, his grandma, his parents and us. Uncle Brian told us Grant was really into Angry Birds, so we had purchased him an Angry Birds shirt and a Mario shirt, putting the gift receipt in the bag in case they didn't fit. Even though Grant is only one year older than Joshua, he is SO much bigger! :) :) :)
Then the kids were off to the playground to play. They had a great time! The park was pretty full that day, but it's a really nice playground.
Jenavieve asked me to get a picture of her, and this was the "cheese" she gave me. Haaa!!! :) :) :)
Joshua loves the monkey bars and is getting stronger and stronger, easily able to maneuver them by himself now. Only, he couldn't get up to the bars, so cousin Grant had given him a boost as I was walking over. It worked great!
They had fun climbing and doing all the obstacles.
Ryan stayed behind with Daddy and enjoyed this "cuuuuppp." We left a little later than the party officially 'ended' but hadn't been there all that long. That said, we needed to race home again because the older boys had Kings Kids choir again that night. They LOVE it! They're enjoying learning the songs and the crafts and activities they do afterward. They both come home singing. If you want to mark your calendars, they will perform these songs on December 2 at Calvary Church. So, come let us adore Him together! :) :) :)

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