Thursday, September 13, 2012

Happy 50-month birthday, Caleb Luke!

Caleb turned 50 months on Saturday, September 8. I truly can't believe how big he's getting! With his sweet little voice, I often consider him to be small and yet he's growing each and every month. He wears a size 4T pants and 4-5 shirts (depending on how they run). He's in a size 12 sneaker, and he's getting so tall!
I keep noticing Caleb playing by himself when we go to pick him up places. I used to love that Caleb could easily entertain himself whereas I would have to think of things to play with Joshua. They are so different! But, now I'm concerned about Caleb. Is it that he just likes his alone time? I'm not sure. He does play well with other kids, I think. But he also seems to enjoy some quiet moments to look at whatever intrigues him at the time. I can tell already that he's an introvert. He, like Shawn, gets energy from within, whereas Joshua is more like me where we get energy from being around others. Neither is right or wrong - God just makes us all unique.
I'll ask Caleb how preschool was when I pick him up, and he'll tell me that he can't remember the other kids' names. But, he'll tell me what they did for craft (which has been the same thing each day - so either he doesn't remember or they're doing variations of the same thing. Nothing has come home yet, so I have no clue and just go along with what he's telling me). He'll also tell me what they ate for snack. Finally the other day when he came out of class he blurted out, I like my friend Amelia! She's really nice and I really like her. I'm glad he's made a friend. She seems like a sweet girl. He also commented on another child in his class, and I saw this kiddo in action and thought he seemed like a handful! Either way, I'm glad Caleb is learning names and I'm hoping he's feeling comfortable in social settings.
Caleb soaks in one-on-one time, but giving him that attention with three kiddos has been difficult at times. I see him enjoying it when we have special moments together, though. He also plays well on his own and with Joshua. They love to play dinosaurs, "Mario," Wii, puzzle books, cars, pretend and all sorts of things together. I love how close they are!
Lately we've been reading a lot of the Berenstein Bears. Caleb enjoys story time, and he especially likes to sit on my lap and cuddle as we read together. He's been much more snuggly lately in general, asking to come in for hugs at night and at nap time.
Speaking of naps, my boys now highly enjoys sleeping with "bellies and legs out" (or in just his undies) at nap time. He cracks me up! But, he can't get comfortable, and I don't really mind. I do, however, mind at times that he seems to need to get naked to do his business in the potty. The other day we were at Sharp Shopper and he started stripping down. When I asked him what he was doing, he told me that he really had to "GO!" Well, I quickly explained that there was no taking our pants, socks and shoes off in public just to use the restroom. Oh, my little love! You are a silly boy!
Caleb loves to play outside, enjoys exploring and is very easygoing. He enjoys playing games, especially Mater Trouble, Toy Story Yahtzee, Curious George Memory and many others. He LOVES going into stores with Daddy, even just running in to grab milk or get a quick thing here or there. He finds it special to get to go along to stores and different places. And he's usually an angel when he's one-on-one with us. When we add the others into the mix, he can be more difficult.

All in all, Caleb is growing into a nice young man. We love him very, very much. Happy 5-0, buddy!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Size 12??? Wow, I just bought Ben a pair of shoes yesterday that were a size 10! :)