Saturday, March 19, 2011

Silliness, Sickness & Spring Break

Last Friday (3/11), when Chris & Lisa came over, they brought us a pair of Joshua's sunglasses he had left at their house awhile ago. The next day when we were driving, Caleb put them on. Then he promptly asked Daddy, "Is it night time?" We both laughed and laughed. Daddy answered "No, it's not night time, it's your sunglasses that make it seem dark." Haaa!!!! Silly boy!

That afternoon, Mamaw came over and we took the boys shopping so Daddy could work on some paperwork and paying the bills, etc. We went to a couple clothing stores at Rockvale Square Outlets, but I didn't see anything for the little guys that I couldn't live without (I was hoping to find some sales on clothes since Caleb has now grown into a 4T, which Joshua is still wearing!). While we were in Carter's, Joshua asked to go potty. As we were exiting the restroom, an older lady was waiting to come in. Without hesitation, he said "Hey, there, big lady!" I was horrified! She wasn't obese, but she was by no means thin. She poked his bum with her cane and said "Hey back, little kid!" He laughed and laughed and laughed. I was glad she had a sense of humor (even though I wasn't too sure about her poking him). The last store we went to was the Disney Store, which had its movie figurines on sale for $10 each. Mamaw bought the boys each one; Joshua picked Toy Story and Caleb picked Cars (thanks so much!). They came home and played and played with them.

That night we asked the boys, "What do you want to do?" Joshua answered first and said "let's drive a bus through the woods!" Daddy & I looked at each other and said, "WHAT?!?!?!" We howled! Then Caleb responded, "Let's drive our minivan to FL!" Once again, we giggled. I was thinking more "would you rather play a game or read a book" etc. But, they had silly plans in mind!
Overnight, Joshua had a high fever. It reached 102.1 on our thermometer, which usually runs low. While he seemed okay to us, we knew something was brewing. So, Shawn offered to stay home with him on Sunday while I took Caleb to church by myself. Caleb LOVES his class, and I enjoy getting out as well. Shawn &  Joshua played Wii and had fun while we were gone. I called my mom to ask how she felt about watching Joshua for us. We were supposed to have life group where all the kids come and be watched by a sitter, but he still wasn't 24 hours fever-free, so we thought it was better to be safe than sorry. She agreed to keep him, so we dropped him off and took Caleb with us to life group. It was a fun night at the Buckwalter's! Karisten made a hot homemade donut bar (YUM!) and we talked about the Five Love Languages.

Joshua's sickness was still brewing, unfortunately, and soon we noticed that he developed a barking cough even though his fever had passed. Overnight Monday into Tuesday, he coughed so hard that it made him vomit in his bed, so we changed his sheets in the middle of the night. This past week was Joshua's Spring Break from preschool, so we had made plans with different friends to catch up. Unfortunately, we didn't make it to a single one. From play dates to lunches out, we canceled everything and stayed at home the entire week until I was about stir crazy. Caleb started to cough later that week, too, and both boys now have runny noses to go along with their schnarkiness. At least Joshua didn't miss any school for being sick. But, we're praying that he (and all of us, really) are healthy from now on!

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