Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day by wearing our festive green (really the only green shirts the boys have, I think). We were supposed to have lunch with friends, but by Thursday both boys were really schnarky - coughing and not feeling well. One benefit of being sick this week is that they adjusted to Daylight Savings Time with no issues since they were both so tired!
Since it was a beautiful day out, we did go for a walk around the neighborhood and play in our driveway. Joshua wrote all sorts of things and also drew an airplane, a flower, etc. They also enjoyed their cozy coupe cars, and I realized that it won't be long until Joshua completely outgrows this fun toy. They always ask me what I want and then run off to get the "snacks." I asked for watermelon, and both boys always open their gas tanks in the cars to give me what they've bought at the grocery store. It cracks me up!

I'm not a fan of mint in ice cream, so I decided to skip Shamrock shakes this year. Instead, I made myself a glass of green milk and asked the boys if they would like to try some. Caleb thought this was the coolest thing ever, but he wanted to keep drinking it from my cup. Joshua said no at first, but by the afternoon, he was ready for his own cup of green milk. I let them watch as I poured the milk into their cups, added the drop of food coloring and stirred. Both boys were in awe! The next day, Joshua asked me for some blue milk. Haaaa!!! I'm not even sure why we celebrate St. Patrick's Day, but this was the extent of our celebrations. Go green!

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