Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Fantastic Friday with Friends

Friday, March 11, I had invited the gals from our life group to come over and play, knowing that most of them work full time but wanting everyone to feel welcome. My friend Karisten came with her son Kyler, who's right in between Joshua & Caleb age-wise and is in the Bean's class at church. They always have fun together. She also brought along Sophi, who just turned one a couple months ago. She still wants to be with her mom rather than the boys, but I don't think it will be too long until she's joining them in the action!

I also invited my friend Renee and her three kids to come as well. I knew Renee from MOPS and she goes to the city church (so she'd at least seen Karisten before even if they didn't know each other). Renee's son Nathan is five, her daughter Lila is three and her other daughter Reese just turned nine months old. It's funny that her kids are almost exactly one year apart from mine, down to the very month and day they were born (September, July and May). Joshua also had a blast playing with Nathan that morning, who he called the "new" Nathan (since he has a friend from preschool named Nathan as well). I'm sure Caleb had a great time as well; he's just not as vocal about it. Lila played with the older boys and seemed to have a good time.

The day before, the boys had helped me go through our toys to see which ones needed new batteries, etc. We rearranged some of the toys to put some fresh ones in the toy box downstairs while organizing a few upstairs in our playroom as well. I also bought snacks and baked a coffee cake for the moms and kids to enjoy. I thought everything turned out well - the kids and moms all seemed to get along and enjoy the company. It was great!

That evening, we had our friends Chris & Lisa and their daughter Isabella over for dinner. Shawn suggested that we just get pizza for everyone, and I had baked cookies for dessert (besides healthy and non-healthy sides to go with it). The kids once again had fun playing with their friend and we enjoyed catching up with ours. It was a great Friday all around! Too bad I didn't snap a single picture of any of the kids playing, etc. But I enjoyed my time and so did the kids, so I guess that's what's most important.

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