Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy 32-month birthday, Caleb Luke!

Caleb Luke turned 32-months old on Fastnacht (or Fausnaught) Day, which we called "Fat Tuesday" (much easier to spell and remember!). The boys both wished Daddy a "Happy Fat Tuesday" when he came home from work, as I had tried to explain to them the meaning of the holiday - where people try to use up their yeast and lard and bad things before Lent. We celebrate Lent (as God commanded the Israelites to commemorate the time they left Egypt and eat nothing with yeast, which represented sin, as a memorial to honor Him) before Easter when Jesus, our passover lamb died for our sins. I'm not sure how much of the lesson they understood, but they both LOVED the donuts (I didn't get real fastnachts as they aren't as yummy as all the calories they have in them).
Tuesday morning, we dropped Joshua off at his preschool class and then Caleb at his class for Bible study. The lady who helps in that room told me that Caleb is the best behaved child she has and then caught herself and said "one of the best" so as not to offend anyone else. She laughed at how he bats his eyelashes and grins at the teachers and asks if he gives us the same look. I replied that he knows how to look sweet to get out of trouble. Then I smiled, gave him a kiss and told him to be a good boy and have fun. Joshua's preschool teachers from last year are right across the hallway and they asked me if I had signed up Caleb to come next year. I found out that he will have Mrs. Hilton, the aide, this fall in his class. We're very excited!
Caleb has been growing like a weed lately! It's almost hard to keep up. I moved him into the next size of big boy undies and really, he's grown into a 4T almost overnight. His 3T things are short and tight now. Joshua's still wearing many of his 4T things, but we've handed a few down to Caleb. My little buddy is also in a size 10 sneaker already and still growing quickly! I knew that someday he would outgrow Joshua, but I didn't realize he'd catch up so quickly. They're two years apart, after all!
Caleb knows his older brother's full name, Daddy's full name and my full name (even though he says my middle name as "'anise" instead of "Denise"). But, when I told him that his name is Caleb Good, he said "NO! My name is Tay-leb BLUKE!" Haaaa!!! He still thinks his middle name is 'Bluke and the thought that he's a "Good" boy still hasn't hit him.

Caleb also knows his address, or at least most of it. Since you repeat the first number when you say it, he skips the first one and says the rest. But, he gets the street, town and state right and most of the number, so he'd at least get to our neighborhood if anything were to ever happen to him. And since our street isn't all that long, I think most of our neighbors would know us. My prayer is that NOTHING ever happens to him and this is just information for his little mind. In addition, he's memorized his birthday. :) :) :)
The above picture is of Caleb washing his hands in our family bathroom. Some days he does well with potty training, other days not so much. But, I realize that this is how it goes. I think he knows when he has to go, and if we remind him, he'll stay dry the whole day. But, he still waits us out to do the other in his pull-ups or diapers at nap time or bedtime. When he makes up his mind that he wants to go potty, I don't think it will take long to finish the process.

Caleb knows all his letters and their sounds, as I mentioned before. We're starting to help him sound out words. He & his big brother stumbled across the show "Super Y" (which I like MUCH better than dinosaur train, so they watch it now instead in the mornings as I get ready for the day). When they ask the kids to interact, Caleb always shouts out the answer. The show will start with "say your name" and Caleb always says his name and the Bean's as the "super helpers." The show also works on reading and spelling, so I don't think a half hour of educational TV in the morning as I get a shower and dry my hair is all that bad.

Caleb also loves to read books, either looking at the pictures himself or being read to. He LOVES look-and-find books where you try to find a small picture within the larger one off a key on the side (similar to 'where's Waldo'). We have two or three, and he already knows where all the pictures are from every page, so it's no longer a challenge for him.

He is also doing extremely well with the game of Memory, as I mentioned before. It actually surprises me when he knows where the matches are as we play with Joshua. The Bean is doing well, too, but Caleb is only two (or 32-months!) and gets his fair share of matches in the game.

My favorite thing that Caleb does is singing. He knows the words to many songs, but he has his favorites. I love his sweet little voice singing out as loud as he can. Shawn & I both say how much we enjoy it. He loves to sing goodnight to everyone, and then he'll say his memorized prayers. He is becoming more of a snuggle buggle as he gets older, and he enjoys times that we sit and rock or we tuck him in bed and snuggle. He doesn't want Daddy to leave (I start with him and Daddy starts with Joshua and then we switch at night). He always asks for one of us to come back to his bed to snuggle some more. When we're finally finished, he cries for "Daddy, don't go yet! Come back!" and finally he'll fall asleep. He'll ask me to carry him in the hallways at preschool and pick him up or give him a "little huggy." I love it. I can't always accommodate holding him depending on what else I'm carrying, but I enjoy my time with my precious little guy!

Happy 32-month birthday, Caleb Luke!

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