Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy 4 and a half year birthday, Joshua!

It's been four and a half years since we met Joshua for the first time, and our lives have never been the same. He was the first little guy to take us from a couple to a family. :) There are so many things I appreciate about Joshua, but lately it's been the fact that I can trust him when it comes to listening and obeying. I'm not saying that he's perfect in this area, but, for example, as we're walking, I know I don't have to hold his hand tightly because he will walk next to me and stop if I ask him to. I know that if he goes to get something in a different room than I'm in, he's not going to get into something he knows he shouldn't. He has certainly grown from the toddler stage into the little man stage. And while his "spunk" sometimes drives me crazy, Daddy always reminds me that some day when he has more self-control, having some fire and personality will truly serve him well.

The morning of March 18, 2011, we went to the Picture People to get his photos taken. I have to say that it will most definitely be my last time of going there. After I made my purchase of the above picture, I was informed that they are no longer putting the pictures that they've taken online. So Shawn won't get to see all the rest of the ones taken of him, his brother or the two of them together. I wish they would have told me that when I made the appointment because I would have gone somewhere else to begin with. Picture People is more than twice the price of anywhere else, but I chose there because I don't have to run back in to the mall to grab the pictures and they always put them online. Since they've stopped, I will definitely go to just about any other studio who allows viewing the images after the day they are taken. There were so many cute ones! What a rip off.

When we got home, the boys changed out of their sweaters and into t-shirts because they were hot. It was 79 degrees that day, matching a record that was set back in the 80s for warm weather this time of year. It was GORGEOUS! We got a call from Mamaw & Papaw asking if we'd like to meet them at Kitchen Kettle Village, which I will post about separately. It was a beautiful day all around. What a precious gift from God to celebrate Joshua's new age-milestone!

Joshua has been staying dry overnight now for a long time, so I told him he could start wearing big boy undies to bed. He's thrilled! I've noticed that some of his 4T things are starting to look short, so I'm beginning to hand them down to Caleb. Shirts especially are getting too short even though 5T often seems wide on his thin body. As I hand down any pants, I have to let out a few buttons for his younger brother as I have them cinched in the whole way for Joshua. He's still wearing a 10.5 shoe, though. And he's starting to zip his own coats and hooded sweatshirts. I think he's known how for a long time, but he still gets frustrated if it doesn't quite work the first time. Most times, though, he does just fine.

He can also buckle his own seat belt in his big boy booster seat, which is important to me since soon enough he'll be in the far back of our van. We've been talking up how big kids sit in the far back of a minivan (just like his cousins) and he's excited for the transition, which is great. I'll miss having him in the middle since he's my helper with reaching things like drinks for him and his brother, but I'm glad that he wants to move back and doesn't feel slighted.

On a different note, Joshua is writing all of his letters and they're recognizable (for the most part). I still have to remind him on occasion, though, that we start on the left and write toward the right. Being a lefty, he always wants to start on the right and write backward. In addition to writing letters, he's starting to sound out words. Today he said, "Go is spelled G-O. Off is spelled O-F-F. Dad is spelled D-A-D." He gets many words right, but English is a difficult language with so many things that sound like each other. There are times that a 'C' or 'K' will get mixed up, and often he things the 'ch' sound is a 'j.' But, I'm excited for him to be thinking about how words sound and what they look like.

Joshua's swimming lessons are over, and unfortunately he missed the last one. I asked him how he was feeling and gave him the option of whether or not he wanted to go. He said that his throat was far too ouchy for swimming, and he was coughing so bad that we agreed it was a wiser choice to keep him home. I hated to see him miss the last one, especially when he seemed to enjoy them, but I also didn't want to get other kids sick or make him feel even worse. I know he'll have to take Level 1 over again. He does NOT want to get his head wet. He's hated it since he was a baby and still dreads when we wash his hair. Hopefully he outgrows it, but only time will tell. He seems to like being in the pool, and my main goal for him is that he can swim well enough to not drown.
Joshua still likes to snuggle - giving hugs and kisses and 'lovins.' The other day we were walking as a family, and he was holding Shawn's hand. Caleb said "I want Daddy's hand!" and ran to catch up with his free hand. Joshua looked back at me and said "Then I hold your hand! You're my Momma Bean!" I loved it. So precious, that little one. He likes to cuddle as we tuck him in at night, and while he normally enjoys silly songs, he even told us this week that he was too sick for silly songs. Instead, we just held him. I tell him how much I love him, how happy I am that he's in our lives, and how he's a great big brother and oldest son. He is truly a wonderful kid. He told me that we're friends, and I often call him my little "friend" now, in addition to being my son. :)

Joshua has a really good memory (or at least I think so!). For example, we were drinking sparkling grape juice in wine glasses the other week, and he said "hey, those are from the movie Ratatouille." Indeed, the movie did have a scene with a fancy restaurant where folks were drinking from wine glasses. It's a good reminder that he soaks in much of what he hears and sees. My prayer is that he keeps the good and lets go of the bad.

Joshua also likes playing with Papaw's iPhone. He told me that he'd like to have one. I just laughed... while he thinks it's a toy (with some apps that Papaw has of games), I told him that it will be a LONG time until he gets one (like 14 more years!). By then it won't even exist and it will be some new technology.

There are more things I could write about Joshua - like how he's learning to ride his new big boy bike, how he's starting to be able to "serve" a volleyball and catch bouncing balls, how he's catching onto new games, etc. But, it's time to run. So this will suffice as his growth/progress for now. Happy 4 /12 year birthday, my big boy Bean!

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