Thursday, March 10, 2011

And the Week Ends

Friday afternoon, Jen dropped off my nephews Daniel & John for me to watch while she went into Emma's kindergarten class to make green eggs and ham for Dr. Seuss week. The boys all enjoyed building new train tracks with Caleb's two plastic sets he got for Christmas. Then they went downstairs and played with the wood set on our train table and had fun searching for toys in the toy box. They were only here about an hour, and Joshua was sad that they didn't get to watch the Cars movie together. Maybe next time!
We had been planning on going to the Manheim Township Library's Dr. Seuss event that Saturday morning, but it was already booked full before I registered us. Whoops! Such is life! Joshua was upset that we had to return his beloved dinosaur book to the library. He loves to take books out and read them, but he hates to return them. We go through the same routine every week with his preschool library. He's devastated that the book has to go back. This last week he got a little Bible book and another one on Easter. They were super cute!
We had a semi-productive weekend as Daddy finished and filed our taxes. We also went Saturday morning to the Universal Fitness Club Open House. I had wanted to check it out as it's right down the street from us, so this was a good opportunity. The kids had a fantastic time in the play area with the slides and ball pit - they climbed and jumped and had a blast! In the meantime, we checked out the various classes going on, the swimming pool, the indoor track, weights and cardio equipment, etc. Membership is extremely expensive, but you seem to get a decent value (if there is such a thing). If we could afford it, I think we might join. But, it wouldn't make sense to even think about it until after the baby arrives and can take part in the childcare area; so, we'll possibly reconsider this coming fall. In general, most times I can work out for free going for a run when the weather is nice or doing exercise videos when it's too cold to go outside for my liking. BUT, I can see the value of having the kids getting some exercise while Daddy & I try to get in shape after our last child is born. While we were there, we ran into one of Shawn's co-workers who teaches martial arts. He encouraged us to watch the belting ceremony that was about to start, as it was for 4-5 year-olds. It was SO cute! The little ones get to participate for free with membership, and many of them seemed so tiny as they did the moves. We enjoyed watching.
Saturday night, we took the kids out for pizza. We were debating on going to church that night, even though Caleb had spilled a little red juice on his white shirt, but Joshua said that he wanted to see his friends in his class. So, we agreed to wait and go the following day at our normal time. Once again my favorite pastor was speaking, and we also celebrated the first birthday of the Lancaster City campus of LCBC. They served warm donuts from the Fractured Prune that were absolutely delicious! (We had heard of them but never tried them before.) They also had volunteers who went around taking pictures in the kids' classrooms and put them on facebook, where I 'borrowed' the ones taken of our kids.
Caleb told us as we were leaving that his favorite friend at church is Mr. Jack - the man who helps in his classroom (pictured above). His wife also helps, and I'm thinking it might be his daughter who's in the room as well. They always do crafts, and this week they were also playing with bubbles when I picked him up. He LOVES it! I'm so thankful for the volunteers who serve our kids each week in this capacity. They are helping us to teach our kids about Christ!

Joshua also enjoys his room as his friends Veda and Kyler are in there (who are around his age and whose parents are in our life group). As the boys are enjoying their classrooms, we enjoy the time to just sit together and worship and listen to the message. Our youngest child (still in the womb) is either a big fan of the music or hates it. I can't tell which. I will admit that it is LOUD. And although I love worship and to praise the Lord in song, it's even a bit loud for me...and I don't consider myself to be all that old. [No comments needed! Ha!] As my sternum shakes, the baby awakes. And he kicks and rolls and moves to where I can hardly stand it. If I look down, I can actually see my belly moving with his kicks (or head butts or elbows, etc). He's either going to be a dancer, or he's trying to tell me that I'm disrupting his peace and quiet. I asked the OBGYN if it's safe for him to be in a louder environment, and she thought that he should be fine because no studies say that loud noises hurt a baby's ears since they are protected by the placenta, my skin, etc. I thought the same thing but was relieved to hear the doctor confirm what I thought. My other two boys love music and when I play the piano or we sing all together, so I'm hoping this little guy does, too. :) :) :)

That afternoon, we enjoyed play time as a family and used the day to rest and relax. And thus ended our first weekend of March!

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