Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Meals Not on Wheels

Monday, February 28, was the dentist appointment that I already posted about. Tuesday was our anniversary. That morning I had Bible study and thoroughly enjoyed my time out with other moms. That evening Miranda our babysitter came and stayed with the boys while Shawn took me out to dinner at Red Lobster where we had a gift card. He also gave me beautiful yellow tulips (I love yellow!). We had a wonderful evening together celebrating our love and life.
Wednesday night, Shawn's Grandma Good came over for dinner. I made spaghetti with salad and garlic bread and bought a delicious apple creme cake from Giant to go with it. She came bearing gifts of fruit snacks (which our boys call "treats") for both boys and an anniversary card and gift for us, which was really sweet (thanks so much!). Shawn helped her download the song "Beautiful Things" by Gungor onto her iPod while she was here, and she played Memory with the boys at Caleb's request. Joshua was frustrated that other people were getting his matches - in fact, Caleb gives him a run for his money these days with the game! We had a nice time visiting with Grandma Good. The pictures on this post are of a thank you card Joshua helped make for her. He wrote the words "thank you" (above) all by himself (I, of course, helped with the spelling but he wrote the letters) and he drew the pictures below of him (purple) & Caleb (blue) eating their treats (green). He then signed his name below the picture.
On Thursday, I made a new recipe that I thought sounded like something the boys would enjoy. It was a type of shepherd's pie, and I made it with mixed veggies since the boys love green beans, peas, carrots, corn, etc. I put it in the oven before we left since it needed an hour and told Daddy to keep an eye on it while he was playing with Caleb Luke. Joshua told me he was "SO hungry" after swim lessons that night, and we got home right as it was about finished. He didn't want to eat it, though. I told him that he wasn't going to have snacks unless he ate his dinner. So, he cleaned most of his plate. But, afterward he asked me "Mommy, can we have something yummy instead tomorrow night?" Shawn & I both howled. I would definitely make some changes to the recipe if I make it again. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't "WOW" either. I still crack up at his innocent face asking me for something delicious the next night for supper. You win some, you lose some. Haaa!!!

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